23: Report

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"Sheesh, ok, ok. You're pretty hasty aren't you?" Y/n said while getting off.

Tanya huffed and sat up.

"Seriously, are you always like this??" She said.

"I dunno, I don't really care what I do. Not like I keep track of how I act every day." Y/n replied.

Tanya frowned as she said, "you're an impossible person to understand, why are you hard to understand..?"

"So what? You're also impossible to understand y'now, the next thing I see is someone who's angry at me, the next, it's someone who's smiling and being very gentle with me. Seriously, which one are you??" Y/n protested.

Tanya felt a twitch in her eye as she let out a deep sigh while standing up.

Y/n continued to stay on the floor with crossed legs.

"But really, why are you hard to understand, y/n?" Tanya said.

Y/n frowned while looking down on the floor.

"I guess I've always been like this. You hate me, right?" She pondered.

Tanya glanced over to her.

"No, it's not that I hate you. You're just... Hard to control, you always have a habit of getting out of hand whenever you feel excited or overly joyed." She said, explaining calmly as she made her way over to her chair.

Y/n hummed before saying, "so you do hate me? Just like those two, huh..?"

"What? Uhh... No, I don't hate you like that, y/n." Tanya said.

"Are you just like Milena and Leithan, Tanya?" Y/n wondered.

"What? No, aren't they nicer to you?" Tanya said.

"No, those two are hypocrites, they're liars, Tanya. I thought you'd figure that out by now." Y/n said before straightening her legs to lay down on the floor.

Tanya raised a brow as she watched y/n lay down and stare up at the ceiling.

"I can't get rid of them though, they're the only ones who actually know how to take care of me and all, and I've already thought Leithan on Japanese and stuff, letting him go and out of my eyes is not something I want to do." Y/n pondered to herself idly as Tanya continued to listen.

"Leithan is an enemy spy, Tanya, and I don't know why I haven't reported him yet. He knows a lot right now, and I'm still wondering if I should throw him in as a prisoner of war by now or not." She continued on before Tanya said, "y/n, why aren't you reporting this?"

Y/n wheezed out a chuckle.

"I guess I'm just... Mentally weak. I really need help getting those two out of my sight. I wanna replace those two with Keith, he's a normal one, just someone you can like compare to Viktoriya. They're both gentle in a way that it makes it seem like they're scared of you." She said.

Tanya frowned before saying, "I'm reporting them, y/n."

"Be my guest, you'll have to put in evidence on them though." Y/n shrugged it off, not a single care in the world as she continued to stare up the ceiling in sheer boredom.

"What evidence do you have?" Tanya asked.

Y/n perked up a smile.

"I've got a lot. Remember I always go through Milena's diary? I also go through Leithan's journal." She said.

Tanya smirked.

"Even though you're an insufferable brat, you know your ways around on everything." She commented.

"Those two actually think they can use me as a guinea pig, they're forgetting they're dealing with a humane demon." Y/n laughed.

Tanya huffed.

"A humane demon... That I can agree on." She said while smiling.

"What face should I show them when they start begging for me?" Y/n wondered.

"How about you? What would you like to show them??" Tanya said while writing down the complaint for a report.

"I wanna show them a wide sadistic smile, like the ones you always put up whenever you look at your enemies when they die. I heard you were smiling really wide when you destroyed a bunch of men on the ground." Y/n said.

Tanya felt a trickle of sweat in her cheek as she continued to write.

"Do I always wear a sadistic smile whenever I do so?" She wondered.

"Yeah, you do." Y/n answered.

Tanya chuckled meekly before saying, "so are you gonna help me with these or what?"

"I'll help!" Y/n chimed while standing up.


"I love you."

Tanya stared at y/n with a look of displeasure.

"Excuse me?" She said.

"No, you're supposed to say 'I love you too' and not 'excuse me', Tanya!" Y/n frowned in dissatisfaction.

Tanya smiled, chuckling as she placed a hand on her temple.

"Sorry, you caught me off guard." She said.

"Ehh?? How did I catch you off guard? I just said I love you, y'now." Y/n said.

Tanya chuckled again.

"Sorry... Erhm... I love you too, y/n." She said.

"Aww..." Y/n smirked wide giddily as she rested her chin in both hands.

Tanya meekly smiled as she said, "you're underestimating me are you?"

Y/n was brought laughing.

"Yeah, I am!" She said before rushing out of the room.

"Get your ass back inside here now!!" Tanya yelled while slamming both bawled hands unto the door.

Y/n laughed while holding the handle in both hands, forcing Tanya to stop trying for the handle within seconds to slamming hard on the door.

"Y/n! Open this door right now!" Tanya demanded.

"No way! You're going to try and hit me the next thing I open the door for you!!" Y/n said while gripping firmly on the handle.

Tanya soon immediately began twisting the knob, pulling it with y/n holding it with all her might from outside.

"Argh! Are you holding the door with both hands!?" She yelled before growling out, "ugh..! You netty brat!"

"I'm not opening this door until you stop trying to kill me right now." Y/n said before silence filled the room where Tanya was inside in.

"Tanya?" She called out.

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