49: Passive aggressive

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Y/n did what she had to do.

Taking the spoon, she took a good chunk and flung it straight at Tanya's face.

Tanya swore she could feel her knuckles cracking as she wiped the food off of her cheek.

"There, a wake-up call." Y/n scoffed.

Visha and Keith only exchanged shocked glances at each other when that happened.

Tanya wasted not a moment and hit y/n with a plate of her only breakfast.

"There, a wake-up call." She said.

Y/n wiped her face with the napkin provided in the tray.

Visha and Keith felt a trickle of sweat on their forehead as they tried to keep the situation from worsening.

"Uhh... Major..?" Keith uttered out while slowly raising hand mid-air.

Y/n threw the glass of juice over Tanya's head.

Tanya sighed and wiped herself clean.

'Is this what's called passive-aggressive for them..!?' both the lieutenants in the room had the same thought in mind as they watched with beading foreheads.


"We got out of that hospital quicker than I thought." Y/n said while resting her chin on her desk.

Tanya hummed as she looked through paper to paper in both hands.

"I felt so pissed off of you when we woke up and I don't know why though..." Y/n pondered while idly staring at anything her eyes could get it's attention to.

Tanya ignored her and kept on working.

"Since when did you get on my side of the bed last night anyway..." Y/n continued to ponder idly as her feet continued to rock back and forth aimlessly.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked after a while of silence.

Tanya still ignored her and only said, "do your work, y/n."

Y/n huffed.

"I did do my work! I lifted more than just a finger like two hours ago when everybody was still asleep!" She said.

Tanya hummed before it hit her.

"Wait two hours ago???" She stammered in confusion.

"Yeah! I woke up because I wasn't tired anymore, so I did my work at that time to waste it instead and after that, I went back a little tired so I slept." Y/n said, explaining everything as she raised finished paperwork in one hand.

"Second luitenant Keith is still passing the other ones so I told him to pass these after he was done with the others." She continued.

Tanya hummed.

"You have such an erratic brain work, y/n." She commented.

"It's not erratic! That's just how it works! You don't see me every day doing work like a lunatic!" Y/n countered.

Tanya chuckled in amusement.

"Alright... Fine, it's normal I suppose." She said.

"But do you believe it's normal??" Y/n pondered.

Tanya nodded without an excuse to say back.

"Really??" Y/n hummed.

"Yes." Tanya sighed after finishing the last of her work.

Y/n perked up from her seat and smiled as she said, "are you done?"

Tanya nodded.

"I'm all yours for now." She shrugged.


"Seriously, you two look just like two adoptive parents who are trying to help two children here." Weiss commented.

Grantz and Neumann chuckled in amusement over it.

"Well... They can get a bit out of hand and all, and sometimes they can get a somewhat bad reputation out of it." Keith said.

Visha hummed.

"They do get a bit out of hand, but... They're still kind-hearted." She said.

"Yeah, they are. Major y/n has already given me more than three excuses to have a break." Keith added.

Weiss chuckled.

"They're still children when you think about it... Of course, they'd still have some features a child has when they see the world around them." He said.

"The war can influence them y'now, there's no telling what they can learn out of the war and military." Neumann said.

"It's true, not only that, but the military officers can influence them big if nobody is careful around them." Keith said.


"The idea of having some sort of entertainment to waste time was something in my mind, but not this kind, y/n." Tanya said while keeping y/n from falling off of her lap.

Y/n only smiled and kept a firm hold around Tanya's shoulders.

"Why not?? I can get pretty tired with normal hugs y'now." She said.

"Your hugs are never normal, and you're a little heavier than before." Tanya said.

Y/n snickered.

"I'm wondering if you did carry me or not before, you should know by now I'm light as a dead bird wilting feather." She chimed.

Tanya scoffed laughing under a hand.

"Do bird feathers wilt though..?" Y/n hummed.

"Y/n, there's a chance we could both fall off of this chair if you don't get off right now." Tanya said.

Y/n huffed before getting off and sitting on the desk.

"Y'now, I've been thinking, have you seen that movie road to the future??" She said.

Tanya huffed.

"I never paid attention to it but... I think, the mother of the boy who's like kinda the adopted protagonist was trying to bang him in his closet." Y/n said.

Tanya raised a brow.

"What..? Then why is it called the road to the future then?" She said.

"Well, duh! Because... She's in the past and she needs to think about the future because her present is in the future and not in the past." Y/n said.

Tanya squinted her eyes in confusion.

"W... What..?" She uttered out.

Y/n can have confusing topics to bring up.

"Ok, what kind of movies did you even watch if you were in prison..?" Tanya grumbled in utter confusion.

"I was a pretty dangerous guy in prison so... They gave me a TV that had more than fifteen channels and a DVD player where I can watch any movie I want when I ask what type." Y/n said while reaching her hands out.

Tanya hummed as y/n's hands rested on her shoulders.

"Give me a kiss..." Y/n hummed.

"You've gotta be way more serious than that, y/n." Tanya snickered while placing a hand in front of y/n's face.

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