47: Safe and sound

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Milena quickly rushed around looking for the two, hearing laughing coming from the very door at the end of the corridor, she rushed towards it and opened the door wide.

"Ok... What the in the actual hell, you two!" She said, finally she felt calm knowing the two weren't taken by someone else while they were gone for question.

Tanya and y/n looked up at her.

"Calm down, I just threw up." Y/n said before laughing.

Tanya began laughing with her along.

Milena sighed.

'This feels the same as even when I was still the supposed third in command below her.' she thought as she said, "ok... Come on now, you two... You both need to be checked."

"Checked for what??" Y/n asked as she tried to stand up with Tanya helping her.

"To check how strong the drug that was given to you both." Milena said while helping the two out of there.


"Those two need to rest, no bad news just the good news. They're both going to be just fine after they threw up most of the drug out of their body." The doctor said after walking out of the room.

"Thanks, doctor." Erya said.

"Ugh... Being a supposed spy is hard... Considering how major y/n just got me 'dethroned' as the third in command below her and my supposed suspect being Leithan who faked his imprisonment." Milena scoffed as she sat beside Erya.

"Ooff... You reek." Erya commented.

"Uhh, so do you??" Milena huffed with crossed arms.

Erya shrugged.

"I've gotten myself into more serious things, smelling bad is nothing that brand new for me." She said before continuing with, "I'm still confused as to why the lookalike of Leithan said that these two are the only ones who can stop the war and win it."

"Those two are like prodigies, luitenant Erya, pretty sure that man was just like luitenant Keith." Milena said.

"Just like luitenant Keith??" Erya raised a brow.

Milena nodded before saying, "luitenant Keith is known as someone who always senses things out of thin air. He can sense when major y/n is in trouble, he can sense when something dangerous can happen that can risk someone or his own life, etc..."

"Though you did do your best at being an undercover spy, we found the rebels and enemies that were hiding." Erya said.

"But it got major y/n in danger." Milena said.

Erya perked up.

"For someone who doesn't give too much care to anybody, you care for someone now... That's good to hear." She said while smiling.

Milena smirked.

"She cared for me... Even when she read my diary." She said.

"She read your diary??" Erya wondered.

Milena nodded before saying, "she found out about what I think of everything and everybody, by that time, she was cold and a bit distant from me... And... She saved my life."

"How?" Erya asked.

"She knew that Leithan was planning to kill me and frame another officer that major y/n has never met before. She's told me that... She has to put me out of my work beside her if I wanted to live and continue my real work." Milena explained.

"She cares a lot doesn't she?" She continued.

Erya hummed.

"Is that so?" She said.

"Well... Yeah, I guess so... She... She cares for major Tanya too, she cares a lot for her." Milena pondered.

"Don't those two have a sisterly bond or something?? I mean they're the only children that are in the military government and all." Erya said.

Milena shrugged while nodding her head a few times before saying, "pretty sure she's gonna be really mad at Leithan when she wakes up... She's not someone you can just mess with."

"How so?" Erya asked.

"She knows everything I tell you... To the point that it sounds more like she's a god or something. Sometimes I would forget she's human when she does that." Milena said before continuing with, "I'm telling you she can predict anything, find anything, do almost anything... Sometimes she does things illegally but still works like strong perplexing magic."

"She's supposed to be just like major Tanya then..?" Erya pondered.

"She knows almost everything as well, to the point that it sounds like she's a reincarnation that came from the future." She continued.

Milena hummed.

"Those two... I've gotta keep a better eye on those two, who knows what would happen if one of them gets hurt and the other finds out." She said.

"Why are you so worried about who gets hurt and who finds out between those two?" Erya scoffed.

"I can clearly remember that time I was harassed while in a mission. I was caught off guard and was taken down to the trees below us. Only two enemies came down to check on me to see if I was dead, when they did get down they were... Let's just say... Perverts." Milena began.

"And let me guess in came major y/n flying down and saving you?" Erya wondered.

Milena shook her head in decline.

"It's not that, she did land down to the ground, but she began walking towards me and the two men, and before I even saw it. Her eyes lit like a murderer was let loose when I blinked and opened my eyes, one of the men were on the ground with their head decapitated and the other in his grasp, she was choking the other." She said.

Erya whistled in surprise.

"That is... Insane to believe." She said.

"I know! It is insane to believe. And you know what's worse??" Milena said.

"What? What's worse than her killing people with her bare hands??" Erya chimed.

"She was injured at that time." Milena said.

"Injured??" Erya raised a brow.

Milena hummed before she said, "she had a hole in her chest, I saw it, I saw it with my own eyes... It was burning and covering itself with muscle, and layers of skins over it."

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