28: Fight

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Y/n gave a confused comment as she patted and fixed her collar after Tanya dragged her out and towards the cabin they slept in.

"Y/n, I am disappointed in you." Tanya said.

Y/n raised a brow.

"Disappointed in what??" She asked.

"You ruined the reports I just finished yesterday!" Tanya said.

"Your reports?? Never touched any of your stuff, Tanya, and besides, if I did ruin something that belonged to you, I would've told you and apologized by then." Y/n said.

Immediately did Tanya raise the bundle of papers that had black ink dry and obviously accidentally splattered on it.

"Oh, that report, yeah... I spilled ink on that by accident." Y/n said.

"You did what!??" Tanya shot up in anger.

"Sorry, ok!? It's not my fault you left the jar open too y'now! I'll take responsibility! I'll do the report, not that hard anyway." Y/n said.

"How the hell is that supposed to be reassuring for me..!? You spilled ink on it by accident and now you act like it's not a big deal! What would've happened if I didn't decide to check on it just a few minutes ago!? I might've messed up and gained a negative response from it!" Tanya said as she slammed the papers down on the desk.

Y/n frowned.

"Oh, shut up! They'll just think we're kids and we can make mistakes! Not like I wasn't there when we were sent in for the mission. Why would I be this sorry enough to care for reports anyway?? Would've ruined everything I have if I didn't!" She said while raising hands mid-air before dropping it fast.

"Y/n, this is crucial for me! I can't just make mistakes left and right like you! I need it for them to easily get me accepted to be in the rears!" Tanya said, explaining her small long-awaited plan in her head as she crossed her arms.

"Is it more important than me then?? I've considered you more important than anything I've cared for! I've cared for my own selfish needs before than anything! I never even batted an eye for really being friends when we first met, would've just given me a bigger and heavier reputation if people thought we were friends." Y/n said.

Tanya perked up with a look of disgust.

"How selfish are you!?" She yelled.

"I was a selfish human being, Tanya! I was selfish when I was still in Japan, I was selfish when I reincarnated in an orphanage, I was selfish to get every foster family killed because I didn't like or even need them!" Y/n said.

"So are you saying I'm nothing for you as well!? Am I just some sort of decoration that makes you look nice??" Tanya said before continuing with, "I cared for you! I tried to be! But with all these nonsensical things you do around me, I'm not even sure if I should show that I care or not!"

"So you don't care for me??" Y/n said with bawled fists.

"Y'now what... I think we need some time alone, that'll help clear our minds. I'm leaving and you can stay here." She continued before opening the door.

"No, wait! Y/n!"

As soon as Tanya tried to call out for her though, she had already slammed the door shut.


'Wants me to leave?? Fine! I'll leave and come back late!' Y/n thought as she began walking off to the woods.

"Where is Major y/n?" Keith wondered when he saw a glimpse of her walking off.

"Don't bother, you need to fix yourself more, you look like a complete mess." One of Tanya's soldiers said while patting his shoulder.


"This cold hard ice for a lake is neat..." Y/n commented before tossing a rock towards the ice in which didn't crack.

'Aww... Didn't crack in the slightest at all.' she thought as she watched a few fishes swimming here and there under the ice.

It wasn't that the ice was thick, it was because it was seemingly hard.

She yawned as she glanced up at the seemingly gloomy sky. It was now getting dark.

'I wanna stay here and watch the fishes swimming more though... Not like Tanya would care if I came back.' she thought as she continued to crouch down and pick another small rock from under the piles of snow, tossing it towards the ice.

This time, a crack formed and it made her smile.

"Finally cracked..." She wondered while staring at the small cracks the rock had left.

She continued to stare at the ice before it was truly gloomy enough for her to not see under it anymore.

Standing up, she stretched her arms up before walking off to go back. Only to pause when she heard a noise.

Turning around, she saw something black emerge from the pile of snow near a tree.

She gasped.


"Luitenant Keith, where is y/n?" Tanya asked.

"I don't know Major Tanya, I just saw her nearby a few trees last time I saw her." Keith said while helping the other officers with the celebration with the other men.

They were planning a big feast.

Tanya frowned and clutched her chest. It was... Unusual for her, she just felt this weird feeling of guilt in her.

Finishing the last page of her report, her hand suddenly flinched with the quilt falling off of her grasp.

'Tsk! Damnit.' she thought as she got out of her seat to pick it up.

Taking the newly finished report, she made her way back into the cabin and stored it inside the drawer before walking out and standing by the side of the cabin.

'Where the hell did you go..?' she thought before she huffed from the cold air and began walking towards the forest.


"Such a good boy!! Yeah, you're a good boy! Yes, you are!" Y/n toyed with the small wolf that wagged it's tail and enjoyed the petting it was getting.

Y/n laughed under a toothy smile as she continued to rub the stomach of the pup that was clearly enjoying her company.


She perked up when someone called out to her from behind.

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