Chapter 2 - Moving in to the Dorms

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They pulled up to the dorm Berkley was assigned to, which was a three story red brick building right in the middle of campus with rows of tall windows and not much special about it besides the landscaping.

"Are you sure you wouldn't rather live in a sorority house than this boring ass place?" Dean asked as he grabbed a couple of her suitcases and bags out of his trunk.

"Ha!" she scoffed. "The only reason you want me to join a sorority is so you can hook up with my hot sorority sisters. NOT gonna happen," she told him with a laugh, patting his chest before grabbing the rest of her stuff out of his trunk.

"Can't blame a guy for trying," he shrugged with a smile, before they both started heading inside.

The lobby was full of students and their parents standing around with luggage, hugging and saying goodbye with tears in their eyes. She knew her Mom would've been that way, insisting on dropping her off and hugging her four times while she cried and struggled to let go.

That thought hit her hard and she looked over at Dean, who gave her a sympathetic look, like he knew exactly what she was thinking.

She took a deep breath in and let it out, trying to push that thought out of her mind as she headed toward the elevators. "I'm on the top floor in room 305. I wonder if my roommate's here yet?"

"You have a roommate?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Don't you think they're gonna be pissed about you waking up screaming in the middle of the night?"

"Yeah, you're right," she cringed. "I didn't even think about that. I know I'd be pissed off if I was her."

"Well maybe you should take my advice and go see that therapist. She can probably give you some medicine to help you sleep so your roommate doesn't plot your murder," he laughed. 

"I'll think about it," she said half-heartedly.

The thought of seeing a doctor and getting officially diagnosed with some disorder made her feel uncomfortable for some reason. She kept hoping the night terrors would eventually just go away on their own.

When they got up to room 305 she could hear some upbeat pop music coming from inside and she looked over at Dean.

"I really hope my roommate's not a bitch," she said, suddenly feeling nervous.

She knocked hesitantly and then the door flew open and a beautiful six foot tall Barbie doll with curled, long blond hair was standing in front of her, wearing a pair of booty shorts and a cut-off Boston University t-shirt that was tight enough to show off her double D's and short enough to show her flat stomach.

"Aaaaahhhh!" she squealed, stepping forward and pulling Berkley into a tight hug and bouncing up and down. "I'm so excited to finally meet you!" she told her in a thick Southern accent, revealing her perfect straight white teeth when she smiled. She had a full face of makeup complete with false lashes.

"I'm excited to meet you too," Berkley said awkwardly with a pained smile. She didn't have any sisters or female friends so sometimes she felt awkward around other girls. She was really going to make an effort with her though because she wanted to get along with her roommate and be friends.

She looked over at her roommate's half of the dorm room that was already decorated with a lacy comforter, hot pink pillows, a pile of stuffed animals and a hundred pictures that were strung up on string surrounded by twinkle lights.

"I'm Ember O'Donnell. I'm a Freshman. And you're Berkley, right?" her roommate asked, bringing her attention back to her. She looked Berkley up and down with her big blue eyes.

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