Chapter 13 - Sealing the Deal

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Berkley stood there frozen like a statue in front of a shirtless Dean, her eyes scanning over his perfect chiseled body and six pack abs. Then her gaze slowly moved up and locked onto his dark blue eyes and her heart started beating faster.

She looked away, clearing her throat, before saying, "Ummm," searching for words, but not finding any. She didn't know what to say. She finally lifted her eyes and looked back into his again.

"So do you think we should turn on some music? Maybe music would set the mood and," she started to say but Dean lifted his hand and pressed a finger against her lips, quietly saying, "Shhhh," to shut her up.

He slowly pulled his finger away and she stood there paralyzed, with her heart beating faster and her breathing shallow as Dean slowly leaned down, his mouth gradually getting closer to hers. She swallowed hard and blinked. Was this really happening? Was she really about to kiss Dean? Her mind was racing.

When his lips were hovering over hers, he hesitated and she could feel his breath against her lips. She wondered if he was having second thoughts about this too. Was she really having second thoughts though? She wasn't sure. Her brain wasn't working at the moment.

Dean reached out and rested his hands on her waist, pulling her against him as he slowly lowered his head down and pressed his lips softly to hers. As their lips touched, her eyes widened and her body tensed up. She suddenly realized her lips were touching Dean Bradshaw's, and it was freaking her out.

He pulled back and in a deeper, sexier tone of voice than she had ever heard him talk in, he said "Relax Berkley."

She had known him her entire life and never heard his voice sound like that. Was that his sex voice? Maybe that's why she had never heard it before. Hearing how smooth and deep it sounded made the spot between her legs tingle and sent goosebumps up her arms. Why was Dean, her best friend, giving her goosebumps now? This was definitely getting weird.

He bent down to kiss her again and she kept her eyes open and her body tense, kissing him half-heartedly and feeling uncomfortable.

He stepped back and looked down at her. "What's wrong? I know you've made out with guys before so you should at least know how to do that, but you're not even kissing me back. You're just standing there all frozen and stiff," he laughed. "It's like trying to make out with a mannequin."

"I'm sorry," she laughed awkwardly, looking down at the ground and rubbing the back of her neck, feeling her cheeks flushing. "It's just weird kissing you."

He looked at her, thinking for a second before asking, "Are you having second thoughts? Remember, I said if you changed your mind, I would be okay with it."

"No!" she said more forcefully than she had meant to. Then she cleared her throat and laughed awkwardly before saying more calmly, "I mean no, I still want to do this. It just might take me a minute to relax into it. I'm really nervous."

He laughed and gave her a weak smile before saying, "Hold on. I have an idea." He left the room and came back a minute later with a bottle of whiskey and a tall shot glass. He sat the shot glass on the dresser and filled it to the top and handed it to her.

"Just one shot to take the edge off," he said.

She took it from him and tipped it back, feeling the burn and wincing. She handed it back to him and to her surprise he was filling it up again but this time he took the shot himself.

"Why do you need to take a shot?" she asked. "You've done this before."

"Yeah but this isn't like the other times. I'm about to have sex with my best friend. I'm nervous as hell," he laughed.

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