Chapter 9

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Justin's announcement was a cue for everyone to stand. We all filed out into the hall way. I couldn't help the anticipation of seeing whatever he had implied since I knew it would help settle the confusion I was having a little bit better than what he had offered.

I was feeling thirsty and I asked Gabriella to give me the directions to the kitchen. She also told me how I could reach the outer hall since that was where they would be waiting for me when I was done. I was not sure I would be able to follow her directions but I was not about to say that out loud. I couldn't make a fool out of myself in front of Mason.

I was very surprised at that thought.

" Since when did asking for help become a foolish action?"

I pondered silently to myself. But either way I was not going to tell them anyway so I set out to find the kitchen. I was starting to wonder whether I had changed or rather whether something had happened since the event at the office back then.

I was missing everyone back at The Home. I couldn't help but wonder whether they were missing me or whether they were worried. At least I had friends there. That was when I realised that apart from Gabriella's, Mason's and Justin's names, I knew completely nothing else about the people here.

Not even my parents name. That was not right, I needed to learn something about the people I was staying around. I made a mental note to ask Justin or anyone about this place. Anyone being Gabriella since I knew I could not face Mason for some strange reason.

I was so absorbed in my own thoughts I didn't realise that I had gotten lost. When I looked around me, I knew I was in trouble. I had no idea where I was in this huge building. Well I had no idea how many people lived here but they had to be quite a number for such a big project. I dismissed the thought and focused on the issue at hand.

I decided to backtrack and see whether I could find my way. After what felt like hours of exploration, I finally found myself outside the kitchen door and I sighed out of relief. I mentally gave myself a pat on the shoulder even though I knew it was out of sheer luck that I had found my way here.

I went inside and filled a glass with water and as I was about to drink, someone cleared their throat making me drop the glass. This was becoming old! I didn't dare trying to pick the shards of glass out of instinct this time round. I was not prepared for other surprises when I was not over those on my plate currently.

That however didn't stop my heart from going into an overdrive from fright. This was also becoming a habit. I was scaring too easily now.

Clutching my chest, I turned around and came face to face with a smug looking Mason. Amusement was clearly outlined on his face and I glared at him. It was not funny and this guy was all smiles!

"I did not mean to scare you. I'm sorry. Everyone was waiting for you and you were not coming. We figured you might have gotten lost so I was asked to come check on you. I can see that was in order."

Was this guy making fun of me and my predicament?

"I was not lost! I was just touring the halls making myself familiar with the place!"

He laughed then. A full blown laugh that was deep and guttural. I couldn't help the tingles that went coursed through my body. I curled my toes and made an effort not to smile but I was not very successful.

A smile broke out of my face. This guy was something else.
When he was done with laughing, he looked at me then smiled broadly.

"I had not said you were lost."


I was disoriented. When I got what he was implying, I felt my face growing hot from embarrassment. I had told him myself that I had been lost. I face palmed myself mentally for being that obvious.

To avoid looking at him I went to reach for the gloves placed on the counter to pick the glasses but since the universe seemed to be going against me, Mason reached out for the same gloves that same moment!

Our fingers brushed and the tingles were back and this time they were so intense I gasped. Mason was looking at me the same way he had been looking at me in my room when he prevented my fall.

I was starting to feel uncomfortable so I looked down. Mason lifted my chin up using his finger and I instinctively leaned closer. My heart was hammering so hard I was afraid I was  going to start hyperventilating.

Mason was looking at me with a look that had me running my tongue on my lips that suddenly felt too dry. His eyes flickered to my lips and he stared a second too long before returning his gaze on me. He started leaning in slowly and my heart was roaring in my ears. I was pretty convinced he could hear me.

I placed my hands on his chest to steady myself. I felt his heartbeat and it also seemed to be going a thousand miles per second. That gave me some assurance. At least I was not the only one being affected like this.

My body was humming with anticipation but this time it was a completely different one. I had even forgotten about the main thing I was supposed to focus on. But who could blame me?

At this point we were merely a few centimetres apart and I could smell his breath. He was smelling somewhat of mint. I closed my eyes against my own will and waited.

I felt the lightest brush of his lips against mine. It was really light I could have imagined it by myself but still I could feel heat pooling down there! I opened my eyes to see Mason leaning in again and I closed them again.  Just before our lips met again, the door opened and we jumped apart.

My heart felt like it couldn't take this sort of pressure. I felt like I couldn't breath properly so I took deep breaths to calm my erratic heart. I'm sure this was not safe. My heart couldn't keep taking such surprises. Especially now that it had already been pumping too fast before the interruption.

I looked at the door and Gabriella was standing on the doorway. She was not looking at me but rather at Mason. She was wearing a look of curiosity. As if she was trying to look for something.

Mason on the other hand didn't look too flustered. This guy surely knew how to mask things. You couldn't tell anything by looking at him. He looked so collected I was tempted to think whatever had happened was imaginary.

After a long pause Gabriella looked to me but I looked down at the broken glasses. I couldn't look at her and not give away what had happened. I decided to pick the glasses finally. Mason offered an explanation about the broken glass but gave away nothing else.

He also offered to help which made Gabriella offer too. She wiped the water that had spilled on the floor. After we were done, we decided to leave. My thirst had been long forgotten.

Gabriella said she had been sent to come find out what was making us take that long when everyone was waiting for us. I fumbled with my hands and blushed hotly when the memories from a moment ago flashed through my mind.

Mason was quick to come to my aid and he saved me from further embarrassment by saying that I had been lost so he had to wait for me in the kitchen in the hopes that I would eventually show up.

I was glad he did so, but I still felt a sting because it seemed like he was eager to cover up the story. I didn't say anything though since I did not know whether they were an item or not.

I also felt shame for keeping everyone waiting while I was doing other things. I had even momentarily forgotten about the main issue at hand and I silently reprimanded myself.

I decided then that Mason was pure trouble for me. I had to do something about this before I messed up. I had no time for other sets of complications other than those I had currently.

With that resolve in mind, which I knew not how to enact, we reached the outer hall where everyone was waiting for us. And I couldn't look at none of them.

"Well, shall we?"

That was Justin and we all followed him outside...


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