Chapter Six

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Harder than it Needs to Be


"Paul and Jared told me that you imprinted." 

 I winced at the word that came from Billy Black's mouth. It was late the next night, and if Jacob knew I was here when he was sleeping, he would freak out. Not seeing me during the day, but seeing me at his house in the middle of the night would surely freak him out. Maybe he would be as freaked out as I am... no, that would be impossible. I just used the phrase: freaked out, three times in one paragraph.

 "Uh, I think." 

 "It is completely normal," Billy assured, the tone of his voice making me feel like a six year old. "You're lucky if you ask me." 

 I cocked an eyebrow, unsure if I heard him correctly, "lucky?" 

 Billy nodded, a kind smile on his wrinkled features. "Yes, lucky. Having an imprint is a very special thing, Anthony. It is like, a soulmate you could say, where this person is in your life until the end of it. As a sibling, lover, or friend." 

 I grimaced again, feeling like I could throw up. Lover. No, that isn't how this is supposed to go. Not with Embry at least. He's my best friend, has been since we were children. I never would have thought that I could- jeez, even thinking the word sends a bad taste through my mouth-love him. 

 Well, never until now.

 Now, it's like he is all I could think about. His stupidly handsome face, his long, soft hair, his eyes, God those eyes... 

 "F-Forever?" I managed, my voice a stutter and my face turning red. "Like, until the end of the known universe?" 

 A ghost of a smile crossed his wrinkled face, and he reached forward to pat my hand. 

 "Couldn't have said it better myself." 


"Control is everything, Tony." 

I nodded for the tenth time today, stepping over a root that would have one hundred percent made me trip in my previous body. It had been another solid week, but I was technically supposed to go back to school after three days. I had my ways of convincing Sam to let me stay with him, extra training, mental preparation... 

 That didn't work for long. 

 I didn't want to go back to school in the slightest. I was still freaked out from my talk with Billy Black... and that was almost five days ago. I have a plan... psh, of course I have a plan. I am Anthony Carter for Christ's sake, I know all about how to do something in the way I can get the best results. 

 In this case: avoid my friends and write all of the papers I missed out on during my two weeks out of school. Write and ignore... I can do that. 

 I just wish Paul would shut up. 

 "I know, you've said a million times," I rolled my eyes, gaining a smirk from Jared and a scowl from Paul. "You have given me 'the talk' so many times my toes are beginning to curl." 

 "Still!" He snapped, crossing his arms indignantly and flexing his muscles, that's a Paul thing, whenever he crosses his arms, he just has to flex his overly-impressive arm-muscles. Maybe he thinks it is intimidating... which it would have been, if we weren't nearly the same height. 

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