Chapter Ten

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Unfortunate Run-In's


Jacob was adjusting. 

Was he adjusting well? 


 He was super freaked out about it. I don't blame him at all, but it was like the answer's to all of the questions he had been wondering for months now is all crashing out at him all at once and drowning him under the perpetual reality of his new world. 

  My nose was in the air, the sickly sweet smell of a bloodsucker invading all of my senses. Ugh, they smell like fake flowers or something. The woods passed us in a blow, and I couldn't tell what was more annoying, the scent, or Jake's inner monologue. 

 Bella's okay! I snapped, rolling my eyes and jumping over a rock, calm the hell down!

 Easy for you to say-

 Enough! Sam's voice commanded, and both Jacob and I shut up as a clearing came into view. The smell grew until it was almost unbearable, but I could see the situation. Bella Swan was in the middle of the clearing, a dark-skinned bloodsucker, something I didn't think existed, stood in front of her, a slender finger under her chin. Jacob was the first to pounce, lunging forward into the clearing, earning an annoyed array of thoughts from the rest of us. 

 He's so dramatic. 

 Dude, I wanted to go first!

 That thing smells like a weird flower, guys. 

 We all emerged from the woods, growling at the bloodsucker, and looking a lot more daunting than our thoughts made us. It's ruby red eyes raked over the pack, widening with what I swear was fear. The thought sent a small tinge of satisfaction through me. These bloodsuckers think they are the most powerful thing around here... when the truth is, they're not even close.

 Jared, Paul, loop around the right side, Jacob, Embry, left, Tony, you and I are going to come up right behind him. 

 We all obliged to Sam's thought, and I took off after the bloodsucker, his scent enough to lead me to his whereabouts. It didn't take me long to catch up with it, the dark hair flying out from behind it a flag. 

 I leapt forward, crashing my legs into it's back, and leaning forward to clamp my teeth around his neck.


 Bella Swan is not pleased about Jacob's newfound transformation. 

 She calls his house a good ten times a day, and it got so bad that Jake had me answer the phone and tell her that she accidentally called Spain. 

 Yeah, that didn't work. 

It was a warm afternoon, a week or so later, and we were all standing outside of Jake's house so we could get him for training. Sam said that we should let him get a few more minutes of sleep, as good rest is alien to the majority of us by now.

"Do you think I could do a back flip?" I asked randomly, directing the question at no-one in- particular. "Like, eventually?"

Paul scoffed, crossing his arms, "no."

"You know what, Tones? I say follow your dreams." Jared grinned, his hair flopping to the side slightly, "I support you."

"This is why I like Jared the best," I teased, although I think it was known universally how untrue that was. Sure, I like Jared, I think he's cool, but let's be real, I compared to Embry, I like these guys about as much as I like that bloodsucker who's head I ripped off. 

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