Chapter Eighteen

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Fire and Heat


Alyssa's growl was feral as I tackled her to the ground for the third time in a row. I very vaguely heard a chorus of laughter inside of someone's mind, and quirked my head to the side. 

 Alyssa was surprisingly good with training, and she could beat Leah two out of three times... but her size does give her an unfair disadvantage. She may be tall for her age, unlike how we were a few months ago, but she was still much smaller than all of us. 

 I'm not trying to be sexist or anything, but sometimes science doesn't play in your favor. 

Why is my brother such a dick? 

 Why is my sister so scrawny? 

 I heard the unmistakable sound of Seth's laughter, as Alyssa growled again, and leapt in the air, knocking me off balance and sending us both rolling to the side like an over-sized wolf snowball. 

The overlapping of voices grew almost unbearable. 

 Ha, you're such a loser! 

 I don't know whether to be scared or turned-on right now. 

 Keep your thoughts to yourself. 

 Shut it, Leah!

 (You can use your imagination to guess who said what, as I am not disclosing that information.)

I think we've had enough training for one day. Sam's voice cut in, although his thoughts did hold an undertone of amusement. 

 Go back to Emily's you losers.


 "Emmy, will you please tell Paul that he does not have a future as a gymnast?" I begged, pushing through the door, the rest of the pack close behind me. Emily's eyes lifted, and a grin spread on her face as Sam walked over to press a kiss on either one of her cheeks. 

 "Paul is gonna be a gymnast?" She teased, winking at me, "good for you, Paul." 

 I threw my hands up incredulously, gaping as Jared and Paul high-fived, and Embry rested his head in my shoulder. Jacob ran in a moment later, looking around the house with wide eyes and frantic features.  

 "Yo! Where are my keys?" 

 "Maybe you left them in your bike again," Quil teased, taking a step back as Jake breezed past him. He stopped in his tracks, reached into his pocket, and withdrew his chain, looking like he wanted to kill himself. 

 "Join us next week, on "how stupid is this pack', as we watch Tony look for his glasses on his head!" Alyssa exclaimed, holding out her hands like she was reading a billboard. I rolled my eyes, as Embry snorted lightly. 

 "Why do you need your keys anyway?" He asked, as I slung my arm around his shoulder. "Going to another book club meeting or something?" 

 "Okay, that was one time-" Jacob defended, indignantly holding up one finger. I laughed with the rest of the people in the room as the tips of Jake's ears reddened considerably. Jacob was in a book-club for a full week, when he had a book report due the next day, and he didn't read the book. So, obviously, he found a book club discussing the same book, and took notes.... it is kind of smart now that I think about it. "And I am going to pick up Bella for the bonfire." 

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