Chapter Nine

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Bella Swan


Cliff jumping was something I was used to... but I have never done it with the pack before. 

 My feet hit the ground  in rhythmic beats as I jogged to the edge of the cliff, were I could see the rest of the pack was already gathered. My bare torso was scorching hot, as the day was abnormally hot on the Rez, and I barely even noticed the red truck in front of me until I almost ran into the girl next to it. 

 I dodged quickly, my oddly-graceful feet dancing out of the way, and my head flying up, an apology on the tip of my tongue. "Gosh, sorry I-" 

 "Tony?" A familiar voice questioned, and I almost jumped when Jacob emerged from behind the truck, dropping what looked to be a motorcycle in front of him. "What are-" his voice was cut off by a loud whoop, and I turned just in time to see a figure I could identify as Paul leap off from the top of the cliff. Jacob's eyes narrowed and his teeth clenched. "Oh." 

 "Yeah-" my voice trailed off awkwardly. The girl, Bella Swan I recognized, parted her lips slightly. 

 "You're the Tony from the parking lot?" She blurted, her cheeks dusting red as she took in my new appearance. "Wow you got... uh... taller." 

 I held back my smirk, anxiously rubbing my hair and glancing over to the cliff edge, where it looked like the boys were trying to push Embry off. My gut tugged, like he was in real danger, and against my better judgment, I wanted to get over there as quick as possible. "Yeah, I got a late growth spurt." 

 "You got a late something," Jacob muttered distastefully under his breath, making my heart clench in my chest and anger form a hot pit in my stomach.

 "I gotta go," I maneuvered around the girl, but was stopped from running of by a harsh sentence from Jacob. 

 "Hey Tony, remember when we went cliff-diving?" 

 My entire body seized, and my spine straightened like it had been nailed to a board. My heightened senses could hear Bella suck in a sharp breath, and I forced a cool expression on my face, although my hands were obviously clenched. "Yes." 

 "Remember that Embry came with us? Now all you guys do is hang around Sam like you're some sort of maids." 

 I whirled around, Bella squeaking slightly when she say how dark my eyes were. Hey, maybe they remind her of her little bloodsuckers friend's. "You have no idea what you're talking about, Jacob." 

 "I know that you used to be my best friend," Jacob shot back, and although I was an inch taller than him, his eyes didn't break from mine. "Hey, how's Alyssa doing?" 

 "Alyssa is obviously doing better than you." I shot back to his sassy tone, crossing my arms and doing that thing Paul does when he flexes for intimidation. "So just back off." 

 "See, Embry would laugh at that-" he jabbed his finger at my stomach, and Bella was beginning to look genuinely afraid for her well being. "How's he doing? Does he laugh that much anymore? Or do the drugs effect-"

 I swear to God I didn't mean to, that is the first thing I am saying before I recount what happened next. I lunged forward, placing my hands on his shoulders and harshly pushing him back, so hard he nearly lost his footing. "Leave Embry out of this!" 

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