Chapter Nineteen

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Everything and Anything 


 To say that I was nervous was a severe understatement. 

 You see, I had finally mustered up the nerve to ask Embry on a date. 

 Yes, a date. The word defined as 'a social or romantic appointment or engagement.'  Appointment defined as 'an arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.' Arrangement defined as-

 I'm sorry, I define things when I get nervous. It's one of my nerdy habits. Habits, 'una tendencia o pra-'

 Goddamn-it, apparently I accidentally think in Spanish too. I wish my dad wasn't born and raised in Mexico, then maybe I wouldn't have to have grown up speaking Spanish, and I wouldn't accidentally speak it when I don't have the mental capacity to speak English. 

I need to tell this story before I start singing the periodic table song.

 So yes, I asked him on a date, he said yes, blah blah blah. We went into Forks to see a movie, which I should have known was a horrible idea from the beginning. The movie sucked, and I asked one-quarter of the way through it if he wanted to ditch.

 And now I am buying ice cream from a truck with no particular destination in mind. 

 I knew that wherever I took Embry had to be good, or else my entire mental state of mind would be destroyed for the rest of eternity. Maybe it was just my perfectionist attitude resurfacing, or maybe it was my chronic anxiety that I seemed to get whenever even thinking about going on a date. 

 Nevertheless, I drove.

 "I think Forks should be banned from coming out with any new movies," Embry began, seemingly as calm as usual, oblivious to my freaking out, although I new he had that tug at the gut that I get whenever there is a chance he could be hurt. "Like, would it be frowned upon if I filed a contract?" 

 Contract, 'a written or spoken agreement, especially one concerning employment, sales, or tenancy, that is intended to be enforceable by law.'

I didn't say that out loud, I just told him that he would have my signature. 

 I just drove around for a few minutes, until I remember something that should've struck me sooner. The ocean, Embry loves the ocean... I grinned triumphantly, and took a sharp turn that almost made the boy next to me drop his ice cream. 


As soon as the sand came into view, I stopped the car. Embry grinned, his eyes lighting up when he saw the familiar waves that he literally grew up in. "Yes! My domain!" 

 "You should just buy the beach," I teased, grabbing his hand and jogging down onto the sand. "You basically live here anyway." 

 "And I never get bored of it." He winked, and I smiled back, turning and catching sight of the grey waves crashing against the dark sand. Embry got that wicked glint in his eyes that made me realize he was about to do something stupid. 

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