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Once upon a time, long ago Belle married her Beast in front of six thousand of their closest personal friends. Anyway Beast United all the kingdoms and got himself elected as King of the United States of Auradon. He rounded up all the villains, sidekicks, really all the interesting people and booted them off the the isle of the lost with a magical barrier to keep them there. No magic. No WiFi. No way out.

But unfortunately this took time to find all the villains. After all they were sneaky and clever, which made it hard to find them. But as the years started to role by more and more villains were shipped off to the isle.

But here is where our story begins. There lived a young prince how was looking out the window of his castle, it was a dark and rainy day with not much to do. The six year old boy used his breath on the window to draw pictures, but he stopped when he saw a limo drive into the front circle of the castle. He smiled when he saw his parents getting out of the car. His father the King was a stubborn but kind man, and his mother the Queen was truly a proud and gracious mother.

The King and Queen had finally come home after spending a few days in the hospital. In the Queens arms was a lovely little baby boy. They soon entered the great hall and saw thier six year old son running to them.

"Ben, would you like to meet your new baby brother?" Asked the Queen. The six year old nodded his had and sat next to his mother on the couch. He smiled at the little prince.

"What's his name?" Ben asked.

"His name is Beau." Beast said smiling at his family.

"Can he live in my room with me?" Ben asked his parents. Belle and Beast looked at one another unsure of the suggestion.

"I suppose when he gets a little bigger, But for right now he needs to be in his nursery." Beast said, which Ben nodded his head to.

Soon a grand celebration was held across the whole kingdom. Fireworks were fired in Neverland as Cinderellasburge organized a small parade to honor the baby prince.

Six months had gone by and Ben was in the nursery reading and showing the pictures of the book to his baby brother. But Beau started to get fussy, so Ben tried his best to cheer him up.

"Don't cry Beau, it's ok." Ben said. He then started to make faces at his brother which made him giggle. "See, you're alright. But I'll go get mom and dad." Ben said and handed Beau his stuffed rabbit "Here you go." He said with a smile and then left to get his parents. With Ben finally done, evil had made it's way into the castle.

A dark hooded figure had snuck into the nursery, he looked into the crib, and smiled wickedly at the curious little Prince looking up to him. It was his turn to get his revenge. He then picked up the child and snuck out through the balcony. Soon only a few moments later the King and Queen enter the nursery, only to find the stuffed rabbit, and the curtains blowing from the open doors of the balcony.

"GUARDS HELP!!! GUARDS!!!" Belle yelled as she ran down the halls. Guards rushed into the nursery as Beast roared out of anger and worry.

"WHERE IS MY SON!!!" Beast yelled at the guards. But no one said a word. "Find him, NOW!" Ordered the King. The guards ran out of the room searching the entire castle but couldn't find the little prince anywhere. "Search everywhere no one is to sleep tonight until the prince is found and brought home safely." Beast said. The guards nodded and marched through the city checking every single house in the kingdom. They checked house after house but didn't seem to find the young prince.

In the streets of Auradon City, loud banging woke up a woman and her family. She answered the door as guards pushed the door opened searching throughout the house.

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