Chapter 10

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The evening of the day had snuck up on Grayson reather quickly. He was sat at the bay window in his new bedroom as the sun was beginning to set. The room was much larger than he really needed. You could probably fit the whole hut Gaston and his son's lived in on the Isle in this room. On the shelves Grayson saw all sorts of toys and trinkets but found little interest in them.

Grayson would follow Ben everywhere in the palace, not that Ben minded, he rather enjoyed Grayson's company. He also thought that maybe he could use this as an opportunity to really bond with the boy not just as friends but as brothers.

Ben would tell Grayson stories about their parents and how much they loved him and how they he never stopped believing he would come back home to them. Ben also take Grayson to the garden to show him the beautiful roses their mother loved so much.

Sometimes, Ben wonder if Grayson really understood what he was saying. He didn't seem to react much to the stories about their parents, or when they walked through the garden. But then again, he was only ten years old, and had been through so much already. Ben couldn't help but feel protective of him, and wanted nothing more than to make sure that Grayson was happy and safe.

Soon the announcement was made. The lost Prince had returned. News reporters flooded the palace gates, eager for a glimpse of the young boy that was their prince. Grayson was watching in a window as Clogsworth and Lumiere tryed to keep the press at bay while they waited for the King and Queen to address them all.

Good Morning Agraba Reporter
Has he been living far or near?

Auradon National News Reporter
What kind of letter did he send?

Atlantica Times Reporter
Excuse me, over here!

All Reporters
The rumors never end!

Neverland Reporter
You've had imposters, is it true?

The Wonderlandian Reporter
What sort of proof do you intend?

What's New Camelot Reporter
Excuse me, over here!

All Reporters
The rumors never end!

"Good afternoon, I am Henry Clogsworth. The Chief of Staff of the Royal Family, and this is Lumiere." Clogsworth said to the crowd.

The King and Queen are coming but they're running very late
I'm certain that their majesties will set the record straight
But royalty is royalty, one always has to wait

The press then arupts into endless questions and outbursts.

Wait! Wait!
I'm really not at liberty to gossip with the press
Their majesties are coming, but until then you'll have to guess

Suffice to say
You'll meet today
The Little Lost Prince!

Clogsworth sent Lumiere an annoyed look while the reporters arupted into a frenzy throwing out one question after the next.

Cinderellasburge Reporter
Did he arrive by plane?

Charmington Insider Reporter
I heard he may have gone insane!

A lie!

The Olympian Reporter
I'm from The Olympian News
We do exclusive interviews!

Oh my!

Maldonia News Reporter
Is he a fake or is he real?

South Riding Reporter
How does he look?

North Riding Reporter
How does he feel?

Long Keep News Reporter
What has he done?

Winters Keep Exclusive Reporter
Where has he been?

Summerlands Press Reporter
How did he live?

All Reporters
Who took him away?

We're nearly ready to begin!

All Reporters
Where has he been?
What has he done?
Who took him away?
Is he the one?
We're waiting eagerly to see
The Lost Prince Beau? (Beau!)


Enough! Now,
Their majesties are coming and they don't suffer fools

All Reporters
They don't suffer fools

They're ready to receive you but you must obey the rules

All Reporters
We must obey the rules

No smoking and no joking

And no handling the jewels

Members of the press,
This way!

All Reporters (Clogswoth)
Where has he been?
What has he done?
Who took him away?
Is he the one?
(This way!)
We're waiting eagerly to see
The Lost Prince Beau!

The Press were led into the great hall where Grayson and Ben were now waiting. The crowd parted as they walked toward the throne, Grayson clutching Ben's hand tightly. He looked at all the people nervously not liking being the center of attention.

King Beast stood tall and ferm at a podium in front of them. His voice boomed throughout the hall as he spoke, "My dear wife, Queen Belle, and I can't be more over joyed by the news of our son's return. To think that our beloved Beau, had been through such hardship and suffering, and yet you have managed to survive, to remain strong, to find your way back to us... it is a miracle, a testament to your courage and resilience. We love you, Grayson, with all of our hearts, and we are so grateful that you are here, with us, where you belong."

"We also wish to thank Ben, our eldest son... who has been our rock and never lost hope for a moment. You are a true hero to us, and to this kingdom. You will make a fine King one day." Queen Belle adds, taking the King's hand and squeezing it gently. Ben smiled proudly, tears forming in his eyes. He couldn't believe that he had finally found his brother, and that the two of them could now be reunited with their parents.

Grayson, on the other hand, felt a little overwhelmed by all the attention. He wasn't sure how he felt about being called the lost prince or the son of the king and queen. He had grown used to living on the Isle of the lost with the other VK's and their families. He had never really known anything different. But as he looked at Ben standing beside him, he knew that he had someone who would always be there for him, someone who truly understood what he had gone through, or at least understand him a little.

A/N: Hey you, it's been a while, sorry this chapter is so short. This year has just been so crazy and busy for me. Anyway hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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