Chapter 6

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The next day Ben and Audrey were walking outside to Ben's locked so he could grab a few thinks before the Tourney game this afternoon. Mal walked out and went to her locker with Jay beside her.

"Are you feeling kinda weird about this?" Jay asked Mal. "I mean it's not so bad here." He added, making Mal slam her locker at him.

"Are you insane! Long live evil! you're mean. You're awful. You're bad news, snap out of it." Mal ordered as she snapped her fingers.

"Thanks Mal, I needed that." Jay said with a chuckle.

"Hey do you think I'll get my own statue when the villainstake over." Grayson asked as he approached the two older teens.

"If you get the job done, then yes. You can have as many statues as you want." Mal said handing the bag of cookies to Grayson.

"Remind me again, why I'm giving Ben the cookie, if you're the one becoming his girlfriend?" Grayson asked the fifth time today making Mal start to lose her patients.

"Because you have spent more time with Ben then any of us. He trusts you, so he won't expect a trick like this coming from you. Plus your a master manipulator even if you won't admit it." Mal said booping Graysons nose. Jay and Grayson then looked at Mal uncomfortable. "What?" Mal asked not sure why they were looking at her like that.

"I think Auradon is finally getting to you." Jay said with a smirk ad he crossed his arms. "You just gave him a compliment." He added.

"I did not." Mal scoffed.

"Yes you did. Just now, and you booped my nose." Grayson said. Mal looked at them for a moment. She didn't say anything. She simply turned around and watched Ben, waiting for Audrey to leave.

"Do you think they paid for those." Audrey asked Ben. "She did it to Jane's hair too and Fairy Godmothers not happy about it." Audrey stated.

"What's the harm?" Ben asked with a chuckle from how ridiculous his girlfriend is being.

"It's gate way magic. Sure it may start with the hair then you know it's the lips and the legs and the clothes, and then everyone looks good then where will I be?" Audrey asked with a whine.

"Listen Audrey-" Ben was interrupted by Audrey. She smiled and held his hands in hers.

"I will see you at the game after my dress-fitting for the coranation, ok?" Audrey said. Ben nodded his head and Audrey kissed his cheek.

"Bye Benny-boo." Audrey said, and started walking away, making Mal smile. She then snapped her fingers at Grayson and he walked over to Ben.

"Hey Ben." Grayson said with a smile. Ben smiled back at the younger boy.

"Hey what's up?" Ben asked.

"Well the others and I just made a batch of cookies, double chocolate chip. You want one?" Grayson asked. Ben's smile faded slightly as he looked at the younger boy.

"Oh, I'd love one Grayson, but I don't usually eat before a game. But maybe another time-" but Grayson interrupted him.

"No yeah it's totally fine, I mean beware of treats offered by kids of villains, right?" Grayson asked swaying the cookie bag back and forth in his hands.

"What no, Grayson that's not what I meant-"

"No I get it." Grayson said casually. "Your dad's the Beast, mines Gaston you don't fully trust me yet, it's ok." Grayson said patting Ben's back.

"No Grayson that's not it at all. I really do-"

"It's fine Ben really." Grayson said with a smile and th me wave of his hand. "I mean more for me I guess." Grayson said and picked a coockie he then brought it to his mouth but Ben took it out of his hand before he could eat it.

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