Chapter 7

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A few weeks had gone by and the VK's have gotten nowhere with getting Fairy Godmother's wand. Mal had her date with Ben and Evie passed her first test without any help from her magic mirror.

It was an early evening at Auradon Prep, Mal and the others watched students walk to the front of the school. As Mal open the door to her dorm room Evie stopped Lonnie who was walking past thier room.

"Lonnie what's going on?" Evie asked. Lonnie looked at the Vk's confused, but then noticed they were actually serious. She then looked around and saw no one was in the halls. She then walked into the dorm room and ushered the others inside quickly.

"Ok, why are we sneaking into the room?" Carlos asked, making Lonnie sigh.

"Alright look, you guys didn't know this since. . . well. . ." Lonnie trailed off trying to think of anything to day to them.

"We're not from here?" Mal asked as she crossed her arms with a slight scowl.

"Right." Lonnie said with a sheepish smile. She then looked at the others. "But every year, all of Auradon comes together and marches to King Beast's castle. That is where we all place a candle or a rose around the front gate. We do it for Ben's little brother. The Lost Prince." Lonnie explained, the VK's all looked at each other quite uncomfortable.

"I didn't know he had a brother." Mal said as she fiddled with her ring on her fingers.

"Wait, did you say 'The Lost Prince?'" Evie asked making the others look at her. "I read something about that in the museum. What happened to him?" Evie asked.

"It's a day I don't like to think about, I was only six when it happened. My parents were leading the search for Ben's brother. I barely saw my parents that week. I had to stay with Audrey and her parents. But no one really knows what happened. He just vanished one night. It's one of Auradon's greatest mysteries. He was only six months old at the time." Lonnie told them.

"And no one's found him since?" Mal asked.

"No." Lonnie said shaking her head. "People have even said that the Queen stopped wearing yellow, which is her signature color." Lonnie whispered. "Instead all she wears is black." She added.

"That's so sad." Evie thought.

"Ben tends to blame himself about what happened. But I think it's hard for him to understand that it wasn't his fault." Lonnie told the VK's. Soon Grayson entered the room holding a candle.

"Hey, do you guys know why everybody's carrying these around?" Grayson asked as he walked into the room with a candle in one hand, and a rose in the other.

"We'll explain on the way." Evie said grabbing her jacket and handing Grayson his. She also dicided to fix up his hair as well.


Lonnie and the VK's all made it out of the school. Students were all outside waiting for Fairy Godmother to lead them all to the castle. Grayson was handed a rose while the others had candles.

"Why can't I hold a candle?" Grayson asked Mal as he fiddled wirh the rose in his hand.

"Because I don't trust a ten year old to hold a candle." Mal answered sending him a fake smile as students walked past them. Soon Fairy Godmother was seen at the front of the crowd of students.

Today could have been the day
That you'd blow out your candles
Make a wish as you closed your eyes

Today could have been the day
Everybody was laughing
Instead I just sit here and cry

Who would you be?
What would you look like?
When you looked at me for the very first time?
Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life

Beast & Belle
Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
I'm always asking why
This crazy world had to lose
Such a ray of light, we never knew
Gone too soon
yeah, yeah, yeah

Would you have been a president?
Or a painter, an author
Who sang like our mother
One thing is evident
Would have given all I had
Would have loved you like no other

Who would you be?
What would you look like?
Would you have my smile and her eyes?
Today could have been the next day of the rest of your life

Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
I'm always asking why
This crazy world had to lose
Such a ray of light, we never knew
Gone too soon
yeah, yeah, yeah

Auradon Royal Family
Not a day goes by
We're always asking why
Not a day goes by
That we don't think of you
We're always asking why
This crazy world had to lose
Such a beautiful light, we never knew
Gone too soon
You were gone too soon
yeah, yeah, yeah

Not a day goes by
That we don't think of you

As the song ended everyone placed their rose's in the vase or put a candle down outside by the gate. Belle on instinct couldn't help but gasp at the sight of Grayson placing a rose in a vase. He was exactly how she imagined her son Beau to look.

"Mom?" Ben asked concerned. Belle then whipped her eyes and composed herself, and turned to Ben.

"I'm fine dear, no worries." Belle said with a forced smile and walked into the palace as people continue to place down roses and candles outside the palace gates.

Ben sighed seeing his mother so sad, she had took the news of Beau the hardest. The Prince then walked over to his friends with a sad smile.

"How you holding up?" Doug asked patting Ben's shoulder.

"It doesn't get any easier." Ben said as he sat down next to Jane in the grass. "Do you think he's doing okay?" Ben asked nobody impartial as he pulled the grass out of the dirt.

"I'm sure he is." Jane said with a small smile. Soon Grayson came running towards Ben and the other. He then crouched down behind Ben.

"Hey Grayson, whatcha doin there bud?" Ben asked with a small smile, and sitting up straighter.

"Pretend I'm not here." Grayson told the four teens making them all look at him confused. Soon they saw Carlos and Jay running around frantically.

"Have you guys seen Grayson anywhere?" Carlos asked panting with his breathing.

"Nope." The four teens said making Carlos grunt in annoyance before running off.

"Thanks guys, I owe you big time." Grayson said standing up and brushing off the dirt on his pants.

"Gray, why are you hiding from Jay and Carlos?" Ben asked with an amused smile on his face.

"I just like to mess with them." Grayson said simply.

"All right children, let's head back to the school now, come along." Fariy Godmother announced.

Ben and Jane stood up as they started walking back to the school with Doug and Lonnie trailing behind them. Ben then noticed Grayson rubbing his eye with a yawn as he walked back to the school.

Grayson gasped when he was suddenly swept off his feet in Ben's arms. Grayson hadn't realized how tired he was until Ben picked him up. He slowly drifted off the sleep.

(Hi everyone I know it's a short chapter, and that it's been forever since I posted an update on this story. I've just been a little busy with life, and as much as I don't want to admit it, I've been dealing with a little bit of writers block. Anyways I hope you like it.)

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