Chapter 4

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After The VK's failed to get the wand they went to class the next day. Grayson sat in front of Mal and Evie as they got into Goodness 101 with Fairy Godmother.

If someone hands you a crying baby do you?:
A. Curse it
B. Lock it in a tower
C. Give it a bottle
D. Carve out it's heart.

"Yes, Evie." Fairy Godmother said pointing to her with her teaching Pointer stick thingy in her hand.

"What was the second one again?" Evie asked.

"Oh ok, anyone else?" Fairy Godmother asked looking at the teens but no one said anything she then looked at the youngest of the five who was doodling in his notebook. "Mr. LeGume, would you care to answer?" Grayson looked up at the board but then shook his head.

"Um, no thanks." Grayson said

"Well you haven't really said anything the whole class. Why don't you give it a try?" Fairy Godmother said trying to encourage the young boy. Grayson sighed and looked behind him seeing Evie smile at him. Grayson then looked at the board.

"I guess C?" Grayson said.

"Correct very good." Fairy Godmother said with a smile at the boy.

"How did he know that?" Carlos asked looking over at Mal and Evie. But Mal just rolled her eyes at his question.

"Just pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun." Mal said.

"Oh." Everyone said. After that Grayson just sort of drifted off thinking about what Ben told him. 'It must be hard to lose someone like that.' Grayson thought. 'Maybe I should stay away from Ben if I make him upset.' Grayson said just as a loud thump brought him back to reality. He looked over his shoulder and saw Carlos and Jay reselling on the table, as Fairy Godmother tapped her podium with her pointer stick.

"Boys! I'm going to encourage you to use that energy out on the tourney field." Fairy Godmother said with a kind smile. Carlos shook his head as he pushed Jay off of him.

"Oh no that's alright, whatever that is we'll pass." Carlos said.


"Why do I have to be here." Grayson complained as he followed Jay and Carlos to the tourney field. Jay rolled his eyes and looked down at the younger boy.

"Because Mal and Evie have classes and they said we had to watch you." Jay said, he then pointed over at the bleachers. "So just go sit over their." He added as he pointing at the bleachers.

"But that's boring." Grayson complained, but Jay crossed his arms and raised a brow at him. Grayson then smiled up at the older boy, and backed away slowly. "To the benches I go." He added and ran to the bleachers.

"Why do you do that?" Carlos asked.

"What?" Jay said not really sure what Carlos was talking about.

"Scare him into doing what you want. He's just a kid." Carlos said.

"So, if it gets him to do what I want I'm gonna do it." Jay said with a smirk on his face as he and Carlos walked up to Ben.

"Hey guys, are you trying out for tourney?" Ben asked the two.

"Yeah Fairy Godmother suggested it." Carlos explained as he watch some of the others on the field. All of a sudden a whistle is blown and it catches everyone's attention.

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