Chapter 2

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Grayson whipped his eyes one last time before heading off to Auradon. Gil put some last minute things in his bag like a tooth brush and some extra socks. He then put Grayson's music box Evie got him one year. Grayson said goodbye to his family and headed towards the limo. Grayson then stopped in front of the Curl Up and Dye. He walked inside to see Dizzy sweeping the floor with a broom. He then walked over to her and taped her shoulder. Dizzy turned around with a jump.

"Grayson don't do that." Dizzy said as she shoved his shoulder. Grayson just laughed at his friend.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." Grayson said but his smile soon changed to a sad expression

"Grayson? What is it?" Dizzy asked. Grayson looked down sadly for a moment and sat in one of the chairs near by.

"Dizzy I'm leaving the Isle to go to Auradon." Grayson said to his friend. Dizzy squealed excitedly for a moment but then stopped when she saw Grayson's face.

"Oh sorry, are you at least coming back?" Dizzy asked. Grayson nodded with a smile.

"Yeah Maleficent has this whole plan sorted out. We'll be back before you know it." Grayson said. "I just wanted to day goodbye." He added.

"I'll miss you Gray." Dizzy said and hugged Grayson. As they hugged Evie walked into the room and stood my the door. She looked at the two ten year olds and smiled at them. Dizzy then looked up and saw Evie in the door way.

"Evie!" Dizzy said letting go of Grayson and ran to Evie.

"Hey Dizzy." Evie said. "I just came to say goodbye but it looks like someone had the same idea." Evie said looking over at Grayson. "I'll miss you." She said to Dizzy. "Grayson it's time to get going." Grayson sighed and walled out with Evie who was giving him a knowing smile.

"What?" Grayson asked confused about why she was looking at him like that.

"Oh it's just obvious that you like her." Evie said happily. But Grayson just scrunched up his nose to the thought.

"What? No I don't, she's just my friend." Grayson explained but Evie didn't buy it.

"Okay, if you say so." Evie said as they climbed into the limo. Evie sat by Mal as Grayson moved to the end of seats.

"Don't think I forgot about what you guys did this morning." Grayson said glairing at Mal and Jay.

"Well Harry's not here to rescue you this time." Jay said holding the boy in a head locker giving him a noogie.


In Auradon, Ben was sitting with Audrey as they waited in the halls of Auradon Prep for Fairy Godmother. Ben was thinking about his brother mainly his chocolate brown eyes like his mothers. He sighed heavily as he remembered the day his brother went missing.



He remembered his parents saying. Audrey looked over at her boyfriend and held his hand in hers. Ben calmed down a little and smiled at her.

"I'm sorry." Ben said making Audery shake her head at him.

"Ben, you don't need to be sorry. What happened to your family was a really terrible thing. I truly can't imagine what it must feel like." Audrey said. She then rubbed his knuckles with her thumb. "But you can't blame yourself for what happened." Audrey said but Ben stood up abruptly and looked at his girlfriend.

"But I do Audrey. I do." Ben said standing up with a fit of anger in his voice. "I keep thinking to myself, what if I stayed in the room? What would have happened? What if I took Beau with me?" He asked not really expecting an answer. "I should have just stayed in that stupid nursery." Ben said.

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