Chapter 3

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Grayson was walking down the hall to catch up with the others he then got to his dorm room and heard the others talking. He leaned in closer to the door.

"How could you guys let him walk out by himself?" Evie asked surprised with the two boys.

"Honestly, out of all the dumbest things you two have done this by far is the stupidest." Mal added. Jay just scoffed he wasn't sure why they were even that upset.

"Oh relax, he can take care of himself. He's lived with Gaston all these years." Jay said leaned back in a chair with his feet up on the table.

"That's not the point Jay. He's small and he might get into trouble." Evie said. Just as Grayson walked into the room. He saw Mal and the others starting at him.

"Where have you been?" Mal asked as she placed a hand on her hip. But Grayson ignored the question.

"Just walking around, did you know they had fruit that isn't mushy?" Grayson asked as he bit into an apple.

"Grayson you can't go wondering off like that?" Evie said making Grayson look at her confused.

"Why not I did it all the time on the isle?" Grayson asked as he took another bite of the apple.

"I know, but we're in Auradon not the Isle. You could have gotten hurt, or lost, or alot worse." Mal explained. Grayson folded his arms and smiled at the purple haired girl.

"Aw, was the daughter of Maleficent actually worry about me?" Grayson asked, making Mal role her eyes. She then grabbed the apple from Grayson and tossed it out the near by window. "Hey, I wasn't done with that." Grayson complained. Mal sighed for a moment and then gave a fake smile to the boy.

"Time for bed." Mal said with a clap. Grayson crossed his arms.

"But I'm not-" Grayson stopped himself when Mals eyes flashed Green. So Grayson stretch and pretended to yawn. "You know what I think I'll get ready for bed." He said which made Mal smile. She then noticed Evie shake her head at her as the boys looked at her as well.

"What, we don't need him getting in the way." Mal said. After a short while Grayson was in bed as Evie tried to tuck the 10 year old into bed ignoring his protest. After Grayson was in bed Evie walked out the room with the others. They all then walked into Mal and Evie's home.

"Wow, that's a lot of pink." Jay said.

"I know." Both Mal said Evie said. But Evie was more excited about it than Mal was.

"Evie mirror me." Mal said as she sat at the table in the room

"Magic Mirror on the wa- in my hand where does Fairy Godmothers wand stand." Evie asked the mirror. Jay got up off his bed an walked over to the three. The mirror then showed the wand. "There it is." Evie grinned.

"Zoom out." Carlos said.

"Magic Mirror not so close." Evie said and the mirror show the whole earth.

"What a dumb mirror." Jay muttered.

"Closer, closer, closer." Evie said starting to get frustrated with the think.

"Stop!" Carlos said pointing at the mirror.

"It's in a museum. Do we know where that is?" Mal asked. Carlos got onto a computer and searched directions to the museum.

"2.3 miles from here." Carlos said showing them on the computer.

"Perfet." Mal grinned wickedly and pocked her head out the door, with no one to be seen. She and the others sprinted out of the school. Then made it to the museum. "Ok E check your mirror." Mal ordered.

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