Chapter 6: Rain On Wood, Pt. 2

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The rain pours over your body, immediately soaking through your light grey t-shirt, and your black, frilly shorts. Your bra shows through underneath the thin material, but you don't care.

Missy makes sure to stay beside you as you head to the back of the house. Determination and curiosity influence and fuel you as you make it to the forest edge. You stop, running your hand through your wet hair in an attempt to get it out of your face. Scanning the forest, you spot the general area you saw the figure. With it in your sight, you continue into the forest. Missy whines in protest, seeming to not want to go into the forest, but follows you in anyway.

You're glad Missy is with you. In case there is a wild animal or snake roaming around, you're sure she'll take care of it. You know that she'll do everything she can to protect you.

Although, this is a stupid idea. You think to yourself. Throwing you and your dog into potential danger isn't a very mature decision. But, you're already more than halfway to the area you saw the shadow in, so you continue onward. Besides, if Missy gets really nervous you'll know something is wrong, and then you'll know to turn around and run.

Something large snaps, making you stop in your tracks and turn your head to the noise. An old tree, hollowed out and barren, stands tall above you. You crane your neck upwards, trying to see where the cracking sound is coming from. Your eyes land on a large tree branch. It dangles from the tree, barely holding on.

Your eyes widen in fear. Before you can move, the branch breaks off of the one hundred year old looking tree and plummets towards you. You close your eyes, stumbling back in alarm. In one swift motion, something lifts you off of the ground and presses you up against a nearby tree. You hear Missy bark to your left as the tree branch slams to the ground in front of you.

Your heart is pounding in your chest and you can feel the breath of someone on your neck. Your wrists are pinned to the tree as someone nuzzles into the crook of your neck. Your bodies are firmly pressed together. Your eyes shoot open as your cheeks and body heat up on instinct. Your breathing increases, chest rising and falling at a faster pace.

"I tried to keep her home!" A small voice bellows in a high pitched tone. "But she wouldn't listen!" The female sounding voice goes on before quickly gasping.

Your eyes widen as you look over at Missy. She sits to your left, wide eyes staring back at you. Fear is prevalent in her large, shiny orbs as her mouth hangs open in surprise. 'No. No, no, no, no. There's no way. No, no, no.' Your mind screams as you feel your heart increase it's rate by every second.

The one pinning you to the tree finally lifts their head. A deer skull, looking like it's made out of tree bark, stares at you. His horns are incredibly large and have moss at the base of them and scattered throughout.

Memories fill the gaps of your mind as you stare wide eyed at the creature. Everything. You remember everything from your dreams. You examine his face, the rain pouring down making it a little hard to see every detail.

He tilts his head, flicking his ear. Your brows crinkle when you focus on them. You don't remember him having ears. You want to touch them, but when you go to move your hand, you remember that he has your wrists pinned to the tree.

He notices your movement, and gently removes his hands from your wrists and rests them on your waist. He lifts his hand to your face, gently pointing his pointer finger in front of you.

You watch as a small, yellow flower blossoms at the top of his finger. You stare in awe at the flower, remembering what you said the first day you met this creature. "I would take it," You start in a quiet whisper, voice almost being drowned out by the rain. "But if I pluck it, it'll die."

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