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third person pov; 

        As everyone hurried in to get inside, a brick wall came crashing down the griever and soon the doors shuts itself revealing the survivors. As the doors close, a new one opens revealing bright like that shined everyone's faces. Talia reaches for the door, pushing it farther open.

        She takes a second until she starts moving forward and everyone else followed. The room reveals pipes and a long dark corridor an lights flickered, blighting up the place. Talia looks over at Newt who glanced at her and smiled. 

        As they walk through the hallway it reveals an exit door, "Seriously?" Frypan asked. 

        Thomas reaches towards the door, grabbing the handle and opening it. As the door opens, dim lights, dead bodies, broken glass, and a yellow glowing light. 

        "What happened here?" Minho asked as they walk through a door, revealing more broken glass and dead bodies. This time the room revealed technology "So they we're watching us?" Newt asked as he looks at the computer screen. "This whole time."

        Thomas walks to one of the computers only to be looking over at Talia, who seems so lost, but somehow this felt nothing different for her. It felt like she's been here before. Thomas reaches over the computer touching the screen revealing an old woman on the screen. 

        "Greetings, My name is Dr. Ava Paige, I am the director of an organization called World Catastrophe Kill zone department." Ava spoke through the screen. As everyone walked towards the screen, Talia stands by Newt holding his hands. "If you are watching this, it means you have successfully completed the Maze trials, I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you, but circumstances seem to prevent. I'm sure by now your confused, angry."

        Talia looks over at Newt still holding his hands, Oh Newt was angry all right. "I can only assure you that everything that has happened to you, everything we have done to you was all for a reason. You wont remember but the sun has scorch our world, billions of lives ended with fire, famine." The screen reveals images, videos of what seems like the outside. With buildings bursting in flames, people on fire. At this point on Talia looks away covering her eyes by Newts shoulders.

        In response Newt squeezed her hand. "Suffering on global scale, the fall out was unimaginable. What came after was even worse. We call it the Flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain, it is violent, unpredictable and incurable." Talia looks back at the screen, walking in closer. 

        "Or so we thought, in time a new generation emerge that could survive the virus, suddenly there was a hope for a cure. But its not that easy, young individuals will have to bested, where we can study their brain activity. To understand why your so different, why you are special. Unfortunately your trials has only began, not everyone agrees with this method."

        "The progress is slow, people are scared. For us it might be too late, but for you its not. The outside world is waiting. Remember, WICKED is good." Ava picks up a gun shooting herself only for Talia and Thomas to look away. 

        Talia slowly looks toward to what seems like the dead body of Doctor Ava Paige, she walks closer to it. Everyone looks toward at Talia to see what seems to interest her, she walks closer towards and everyone else followed. 

        All of sudden, a door opens revealing what could be the exit. "Is it over?" Chuck asked. 


        "She said we were important." Newt replied, glancing towards Chuck. "What are we supposed to do now?"

        "I don't know." Thomas replied. "Lets get out of here." 

        "No." A voice spoke, they all turn around only to see Gally standing there, sweaty and all bloody. "Gally?" Thomas asked in surprised. 


        "Thomas, no." Talia says trying to stop him. "His been stung." 

        Gally was holding a gun, tears falling from his eyes. "We can't leave." He cried. 

        "We did, Gally we're out." Talia spoke stepping forward. "We're free." 


        "Free?" Gally croaked. "You think we're free out there? No theres no escape from this place." He cried pointing the gun at Thomas. 

        "Gally, listen to me. Your not thinking straight." Thomas spoke, fear in his voice. "We can help you. Just put down the gun."

        "I belong to the Maze. We all do." Gally spoke. Talia and Chuck notices how his about to shoot fire, The two both ran in front of Thomas as two gunshots we're fired.








ohmygush, this was so frustrating to write because i didn't how I could continue writing the part where they have to fight off some grievers in order to get out of the maze omg. Also Ava paige's part was ugh, i had to keep stopping and replaying in order to find out what she said. 

hopefully you guys enjoyed this chapter, the next one would be the final one for book one, then book two! yay! but right now i dont know if i should but it all in two books in one. 

happy new years guys! yay first update for 2015 (((((: this is my new years gift to you <3

love you baes 

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