1 ~ The druglord's nerd

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"IM COMING" I yelled running down the stairs with my suite case

"Come on" my dad said taking my suitcase and we all headed into the car

"Call me everyday" my mum said

"I will I have my laptop, I'll Skype you when I can"

"Promise Me" she said

"I will okay"

"Call me as soon as you land in Atlanta"

"I will mum I'll be back soon" I said and she started crying

"Mum no, not this now we said no crying I'm not leaving forever"

"I know it's just sad"

"Come on we're here"

"Let's go, bye mum, bye dad" I said hugging both of them and they kissed my head and I made my way to security

I went through security and just in time made it to my gate and headed into the plane

"Business class, seat 15" the flight attendant said and I smiled and put my bag on the tip taking out my charger and my laptop and sat down

"This is your captain, I believe everyone has boarded so buckle up and enjoy the next nine hours on this lovely flight from London to Atlanta" he said and I seat belted myself in and slowly drifted off to sleep


I woke up to the plane shaking and now I'm officially fucking scared

"Just a little turbulence guys, nothing to be scared of" I heard the captain and a flight attended was now giving food

"Veg or non veg" she smiled at me

"Non veg please" I said and she handed me my food

"What drink"

"A coke please"


"Thank you" I said and she smiled and went to the next person

For the next 7 hours I was eating and watching Adam Sandler movies because... why not

I was in the middle of murder mystery when I heard a ding go off and I took off my head phones

"We will be landing in the next 10 minutes, please put your seatbelt on and do not consume any drinks"

I put my seatbelt on again and turned the movie off and got my stuff packed

We had finally landed and I grabbed my bag from the top and headed on out and as I left the airport I spotted my mother's sister

"Oh my god look at you" she said hugging me

"You've changed so much and grown taller"

"Wow it's hot" I said and she laughed

"Hot lanta baby" she said taking my suitcase and I got into the car

"The house isn't far but do you want food"

"I'm good I ate like an hour ago" I said and she smiled

"That's your college right there" she said pointing at a fortress

"That is massive"

"Sweetie it's college I love your English accent" she said and I laughed

"I should be expecting to get that a lot huh" I said and she nodded

"Right here we are" she said pulling up

"Your rooms upstairs, 3rd door on the left" she said smiling at me and I took my suitcase upstairs and jumped onto the bed

Knock knock

"Yeah" I said

"Hi I'm your cousin Natalie" a 15 year old walked in

"Hi I'm Mia" I said and she hugged me

"Nice to have a sister around" she said and looked at my suitcase

"Why don't you go shower and I'll help you put your clothes into the closet" she said and I nodded and went to shower

After I had washed my body and my hair I changed into a fresh pair of joggers and a shirt

I headed out to find her almost done with my suitcase

"That was quick"

"Everything was already folded and in hangers, you done the job for Me" she said and I smiled

"I'm going out with my friends and your mother called as well" she said and I sighed

"Shoot I forgot to call her" I said opening my laptop and my mum immediately picked up

"You okay, did you get there safe?"

"Yes mum, fine and in one piece I just showered"

"How is it there"

"I like it, I think I'll like it here"

"Call me every day okay I need to go help your father with the stupid water meter I don't know" she said and I laughed and hung up


"That was quick" I said walking downstairs

"I had it in the oven before I left"

"Ah right" I said sitting down and found a sexy slice of lasagne on my plate

I can so marry it right now

"So I'll be taking you to college tomorrow, you don't really be needing a dorm but I know the principal and I just want to make sure you get settled in right" she said and I nodded and for the next hour we all talked and I helped clean up

"Go to sleep you must be jet lagged, college is tomorrow so early night sleep" she said putting my back and I sighed

I got this

You managed high school Mia

You can do college... I think

I brushed my teeth and jumped into bed and seconds later my aunt walked in

"Here's a new SIM card I forgot to give it to you before and no TikTok or whatever go to sleep"

"Yes ma'am" I said and quickly changed the sims and drifted off to sleep



"Oh shut up" I slammed my phone quiet


holy shit


The Druglord's nerd Where stories live. Discover now