23~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"Ow" I groaned and reached for my alarm clock only to meet with nothing but a fan

I opened one eye to meet with white walls and a machine beeping next to me

What the hell am I doing at a hospital

Then it hit me

Me, Rio
The kiss
His girlfriend


I was shot


The door opened and the nurse ran back out

"DOCTOR" she yelled and he ran back in

"Hello Mia my name is doctor Sanchez, are you experiencing any pain" he asked

"My shoulder" I said

"You were shot three times" he said

"Yeah I can't move" I said trying to get up but he just held me back down

"Don't try to move, you're still sore you've been out for three days" he said

"Where's my family"

"Your parents have gone home but your boyfriends outside"

"Boyfriend?" I questioned and the nurse brought Rio in

"You remember him" he asked and I nodded

"Yeah I do"

"His name?" He asked

"Rio" I said and he nodded

"You'll be released in a few hours let me make sure you're good to go and get your papers then you'll be on your way" he said and walked out

Rio grabbed a chair and sat next to my bed and held my hand

"You were shot three times"

"Where" I asked him

"Shoulder, Lung and spleen. College knows about it, your family, friends. Literally I won't be surprised if you were trending right now" he said and I laughed which only caused me pain

"Hey hey try not to laugh" he said

"Well then stop making me" I said

"So what are you going to do about jade"

"I don't know she shot me twice too, she wanted both of us gone but little does she know I don't die that easily. She ran away, no one can find her"

"That's not possible, she can't have gotten far, if she had a flight there must have been cameras if not it's only been three days, never mind she could be all the way in New York by Now" I said and he chuckled

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll find her" he said and then the doctor walked in

"The tests say you're fine, your blood and body seems healthy, but you will experience pain and minor bruising, if you start bleeding from the gunshots, get assistance immediately other than that for the pain you can take medication like Advil to subside it but by the looks of it, you're good to go" he said

"You can either wear that until you get home or if someone's brought you an extra pair of clothing you can change in the bathroom, I hope you feel better" he said and left

"You got any clothes" I asked rio and he shook his head

"The doctor was expecting you to be out for at least a week so no, but you can leave in the hospital gown" he said and I got up and I put my arm around his neck and he supported me

"Oh fuck it" he said and picked me up the bridal way and took me to his car and sat me in

"My house or yours" he asked

"Well I bet I'll be getting a lecture as I get home so for now somewhere other than there" I said and he nodded and soon pulled up to a house and took me inside and sat me on the bed

He went to get some food and I grabbed his laptop and searched up jade

Wait what's her last name

He walked in with plates of food and raised an eyebrow

"What's jades last name"

"Uh winters I believe" he said and her Facebook profile came up

"Lives in Manhattan" I said

"That's where she's probably at, across the whole of the state" I said

"You one little smarty pants" he said

Revenge is a dish best served cold

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