14 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"How can I help you" I said

"Is it possible to come down at 4 mr Miller has some questions"

"Regarding what" I asked

"Rio montanna, I believe you've been asked to come in before" she said

"Yes I'll be there" I said and Hayley stared at me

"None of you call or message me about this, we talk face to face. If FBI is suspicious they can be tapping my phone" I said and they nodded

"It's only 11 you got time" she said and I nodded

"I know but still kinda shook" I said

"I'll go make us some chicken pasta" Hayley said and clapped really loudly

"AH WHERES MY BRA" Emma yelled and I laughed

"Sorry I had this weird ass dream I went shopping with lady gaga and she stole my bra" she said and I laughed harder

"You crackhead" I said and she laughed

"So um how's Troy" she asked me

"What do you mean"

"Like how is he" she said and I smirked

"Little miss Emma has a little crush on the bad boys best friend" I said and she rolled her eyes

"Maybe" she said

"Oh my god I'll talk to him for you" I said and she nodded and hugged me

"Well maybe later after I deal with the FBI they are seriously on my booty" I said and soon Hayley came with food and we watched funny movies until I had to go

"Wait no here" Hayley said giving me a box of chicken pasta

"There's so much left take some for your family" she said filling up two boxes for me and I hugged her

"I'll let you know what happens" I said and they nodded and I made my way to millers office and I was sat in his office and he came in

"Mia, sorry for calling you in on short notice" he said

"It's fine" I said

"So what's up now" I said

"I just want to ask, you haven't been to college where were you" he said

"I don't understand why you're watching me, I don't need protection" I said

"Answer me" he said

"I was at my friend Hayley's house. I just came from there" I said

"So where were you last night" he said

"In my room" I said

"That's not what this young man says" he said and Jorge walked in

"She was with her boyfriend last night. He drives a black BMW" he said

"This one" agent miller said showing him Rios car and he nodded

"That's the exact one"

Oh fuck me sideways

"That's a lie, I don't have a boyfriend and In fact Jorge here is my ex boyfriend who followed me here from London and comes in through my window every night and threatens me" I said

"I also have proof of it" I said and played the recording of the night that he he threatened me

"So it's obvious he's lying" I said

If he's playing dirty

So the fuck will I

"Lock his ass up" he said

"I'm sorry, we have to look at both sides of the story I didn't know what was going between you two"

"Nothing is he's just crazy" I said and I heard his stomach rumble

"Do you want some food" I said

"No it's okay I'll get some food from the fast food down the road" he said

"No no" I said and pulled out one of the boxes of food Hayley packed for me

"It's home cooked so I hope you like it" I said

"Woah and it's still hot" he said

"Yeah my friend made it she made me take some before I left" I said and he started eating

"Wow your friend can cook" he said

"Yeah well that's all yours" I said

"Right and about Jorge, we'll keep him in lock up if he even stands out side your house, you call me and I'll arrange a court trial" he said and I nodded and left and made my way to my house

I just became best friends with the guy over Hayley's food

I was home alone again and started eating the pasta

"So what'd they say" I heard

"I dealt with them and Jorge" I said

"Good job mama" he said and Hayley ran in

"Jack was just found dead"

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