10 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"Who the hell is going to believe that" I said

"You'll think of something, make me sound good though" he said and I rolled my eyes

Whose going to believe that I, Mia cazadora is fucking a drug lord

Oh lord have mercy on me

"No ones gonna believe it" rosette said

"Just be quiet" I said getting out of his car and walking off

"You want a ride sweetheart"

"No" I said walking away

Seems like I'm doing that a lot now a days

I got to the college and headed into my car and just sat there


I looked up to see agent miller

Fuck off you fucking prick

I rolled down the window

"Can I help you" I said

"Where'd you go"

"You're watching me?" I said

"No, just saw you walk in to your car"

"You don't have to watch over me officer"

"So then where were you" he said

"I hooked up with someone at the back of their car and walked back here" I said

"Right, see you" he said and I started my car and drove off home

I need to avoid Rio

At least for now

I collapsed onto my bed and slowly started to drift asleep when

Ding dong

Fuck off

I headed downstairs and opened the door to meet with


"What" I said

"Got a job"

"And I got the FBI on my back so no"

"You don't tell a man like Rio no" he said

"Then why don't you go and tell him" I said and shut the door on his face

What the hell have I become

I heard the doorbell ring again and opened the door to rosette

"Yeah definitely don't want to talk to you" I said and shut the door on her face and locked the door and put the chain on

"Fine" she said and walked off

I headed back to my room and went for a shower since my sleep got ruined and turned the speaker on and started playing some songs while I washed my hair

After I was done I put on some shorts and a shirt and towel dried my hair and let it air dry

I put some cream on my face and walked out of the bathroom creaming my legs when

"Smells good, vanilla?" I heard

"How do you keep getting in" I said shutting the curtains

"Your windows never shut" he said

"what do you want"

"Since you slammed the door on Troy and rosette, kinda had to come here"

"Can't blame me, I don't trust either of them"

"You trust me?" He asked

"Hell no"

"That's good" he said

"So what do you want" I said

"You got a job"

"I'm not doing anything until the FBI get off of my back and stop following me" I said

"That's your problem, you don't get a say in this. You do my job, you get your cut" he said giving me a car key and a note

"Same time" he said

"What if I don't do it" I said and he turned around and walked towards me

I walked backwards until I reached the wall and he caged me in and held a gun to my stomach

"I think you get the idea" he whispered and walked off And in seconds was gone

Fucking prick

"Hey there's pizza,I have a night shift. Natalies got a test so she's saying don't disturb her so just chill I'll be home around 2" Beth said and I nodded

"Be safe" I said and she nodded and hugged me

"Love you" she said and left

I got until 2 am

I spent the evening watching Netflix and eating the pizza she had left until it hit 11

I grabbed a hoodie and jumped out of the window going down the pipe and finding the car Rio had left for me

It was a black Buick and I sat in and drove to the stupid address

When I saw no one was around i headed to the back of the car and opened the boot

Holy fucking shit

Drugs, boxes of alcohol and under those was I believe FUCKING GUNS

I've been supplying these all around Atlanta

I closed the boot to get to the mailbox and left the keys and grabbed the others and the package for Rio

I got into that car and made my way towards Rio and he was standing there

"Knew you'd come"

"You've been making me supply drugs, alcohol and guns around Atlanta" I said

"Your job is to drive a car, not to check"

"If I'm doing it, I'm going to check especially with people on my back, there is a 15 year old girl in the room next door to me and your people keep coming in and you" I said

"We were good after your job was done, I told you we were good. YOU came back"

"You don't want to drive, fine" he said walking off and taking the package out of my hands and drove off in his car

I ain't walking

The car I came in I drove off back home in and left it on the side and climbed the pipe back into my room and as I shut the window the lights turned on



"Wassup baby girl"

The Druglord's nerd Where stories live. Discover now