11 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"What the hell are you doing here" I said walking towards my door and locked it

"Oh so you don't want me to leave" he smirked

"No I do want you to leave, leave through the window. Aka jump out and fall on your head" I said

"Ouch babes, that's not nice" he said

"And neither are you, so get the fuck out of here"

"Caught an attitude haven't you" he said

"Well being cheated on and being with someone as toxic as you doesn't leave you jumping through fucking fields now does it" I said

He started chuckling and sat on my chair

"Why are you back so late, thought I'd find you sleeping" he said

"Well I hoped that you were dead but we can't always get what we want, can we?" I said

"Listen here you stupid bitch, you don't talk to me like that" he said

"I do what I want, so you better back off before I call the cops"

"Fine" he said and got out of my window and I shut it closed and locked it

I unlocked the door and met with Natalie

"Why are you awake"

"Why are you" she said

"Studying, college is hard" I said

"Ah I was just gonna say that my mums gonna be home in a bit but tomorrow I'm going to my dads, so I won't be home for the weekend" she said and I nodded

"Go have fun kiddo now get to bed lazy" I said and she laughed

"Goodnight" she said

"Night kiddo" I said and she went into her room and a few minutes later her lights went out

I changed back into my shorts and my shirt and then went back to sleep as well



"IM COMING" I heard and I got up

Long night

I went and got myself ready for the day and changed my clothes and took my phone off of charging

See you later baby girl ~ Jorge

Oh fuck

I got to deal with him before he goes all crazy

So Jorge was my ex boyfriend

A VERY toxic, controlling boyfriend I got myself stuck with back in London

But I have no idea how or why he's here

And now I have to deal with him

I headed downstairs and saw Beth getting her stuff together

"Natalies gone for the weekend to her dads, I'm going to work but I'll be back in 3 hours I just have to cover a part time shift. I normally don't work weekends but you'll be okay right" she said

"I'll be okay, you go. But I might head out my friends kinda sick" I said

"Oh okay that's fine if you want to take some chicken pasta for her, go for it but if you leave just leave a note" she said and left in her car and drove off

Home alone until 12

Do I tell Rio about Jorge

I mean why would he care, he's not a problem to him

I sighed and locked the doors and windows in the house and sat in the living room and ate some left over pizza

So Rio has now i don't know probably gone, Jorge is back and I'm fucked

Why do I always go for people like him?

I sat there eating my sorrows away when the doorbell rang and I opened it


"Jorge get the hell away from me"

"I just saw your aunt leave, got the whole house to yourself huh" he said

"No, my boyfriends upstairs. Now fuck off"

"Boyfriend, no ones been in all night"

"What you've been watching me" I said and he smirked

"Well I also happen to have FBI watching me too, there's a guy right there so you better fuck off before I have your ass in prison" I said and hoped he didn't look closely since it was just a random car

"You can't escape me baby girl"

"I did once, next time there'll be a bullet in your head" I said and he laughed

"I'd love to see the good girl try, you can't hurt a damn fly" he said leaving and Troy came through

"Now what" I said

"I was passing by, who was that"

"An annoying prick, now go away I don't know where FBI is"

"Not around, kinda distracted them. I got some people on the inside"

"So? What do you want"

"Come here at 8" he said and walked off

"What is it"

"You said you didn't wanna drive, that's your next job"

"What if I don't do it" I said

"Then you're just a dead person walking" he sad and got into the car and drove off and I shit the door and locked it

I started cleaning the place up and playing some songs to loosen the vibe up

After I was done cleaning I headed back into my room for a quick shower

After I was done I heard Beth downstairs and she started cooking dinner

"It's only the two of us so I'm thinking just something small like spaghetti or a chicken pie for dinner and for lunch maybe like some chilli fries" she said

"Pie sounds good and fries do to" I said and she nodded

"Need any help I can make the filling" I said

"Nah I got it you go watch some tv it's only 1" she said

"Let me know I'm only inside" I said and she nodded and smiled

I started watching a show and I smelt food cooking which made my belly rumble

"Ok food" I said and she laughed

"That was quick"

"Yeah I know" she said


Soon it was time for dinner and we we're ready to take the sucker out of the oven and dug in

We talked about many things, things even I wouldn't have been able to ask or say to my mother without gaining an overreaction or judgement about it

I mean I get it, my mother wants the best for me but sometimes it's nice to talk to her as a friend rather than a mother if you know what I mean

After we were done I realised it was half seven and Beth was back upstairs in her room working from home

Wonder what she does to be honest

"Hey auntie is it okay if I go to my friends with some soup, she only lives around the block" I said

"Oh yeah honey go, be safe sweetie" she said and I hugged her before I made a way to the address Rio gave to me and I sighed as I made my way up to some shutters

They opened and I drove in to find him leaning against a box of... something

"Hey mama" he said and i got out

"What's all this"

"This is your new job since you now hate driving don't you" he said and pulled the covers off of the boxes and ...

Holy sweet Jesus

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