16 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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"Uhm I-"

I just sat there just gobsmacked by what he said and he eyed me up and down while biting his lip

So drunk Rio also become horny

He got up and stood in between my legs and brushed my hair away with his finger

He traced his fingers down my arm, holding my hand and started leaning

"I'm gonna head out" I said and he nodded


I headed outside and made my way towards Emma's house and saw Hayley downstairs

"What's going on" I said

"Her and Troy are getting it on" she said

"But she's drunk" I said

"She was faking it to get his attention" she said

"She also said that I have a big crush on "mr sexy man" aka Rio" I yelled and she laughed

"And he also tried to kiss me" I said and her eyes widened

"Oh my god, Did you, holy shit you lot fucked in the bathroom" she said

"No you idiot" I said and she raised her eyebrow

"You've never had sex before" she said and I rolled my eyes

"Not like that's an issue though" she said and I sat down

"I always get shit for it, like whatever who cares. If your body count is 10 you're a whore and if your body count is zero then they call you scared. You never win with society" I said and she nodded

"You lose it too early you get called a slut, lose it late and they call you all sorts of names" I said

"The sad truth" she said and I nodded and headed upstairs

"My room, not Emma's" she said and I nodded and walked into Hayley's room

I sat on the bed and walked into the bathroom ONLY to walk in on Troy and Emma... having sex

On the fucking counter

"Holy shit" I said closing the door and running off downstairs

"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost"

"I just caught them two doing it in your bathroom" I said and her eyes widened

"My poor fucking bathroom" she yelled and they walked downstairs

"Aye I'm sorry" Troy said and I shook my head

"Don't worry now you miss fake being drunk" I said and she scratched her head

"You seriously could have just asked for him, didn't have to say all of those things to Rio" I said

"Hey you never know he could like you" she said

"Well you two love birds go get some food" I said

"PIZZA" Emma yelled

"I'll go order" Troy said and I smiled

"Now you and Rio seriously need to make some babies"

"No hell no, I got college tomorrow. I want food and I'm sleeping" I said

"Fine eat pizza with us" they said

"I'm actually heading out I have a date" Hayley said

"Ooo with who" I asked

"This boy, he always serves me my Starbucks drink" she said

"Oh my god the hot Starbucks guy that works the cashier and has a sexy smile" Emma said and Hayley nodded

"You go have fun then" I said and she left

"And I don't want to third wheel so you two have some fun and can probably have sex in peace" I said and she laughed and I made my way back home

"HEY FOOD" Beth yelled and I grabbed my plate of food she made and sat down

"Where's Natalie" I asked

"Went to her dads after school for some thing I don't now I don't care" she said

"I'd you don't mind me asking why did you gave a divorce" I said

"Lack of communication, we just got busy on our work or the kids, we never had the time to actually bond. Then he cheated on me with his secretary" she said and my eyes widened

"Wait what the hell really" I said and she nodded

"Yeah I caught them in the action, so awkward but now I'm used to not having him around, he's got another wife and she's pregnant but whatever" she said

"You should start looking for someone too, start dating live a little" I said

"I'm looking around" she said and I nodded

After we were done I had face timed my mum since it had been ages and she filled me in on what was going and then I got myself ready for bed

I asked out of the bathroom and saw Rio sitting in my chair

"This is comfy where'd you get it" he said

"I don't know Costco" I said and he smirked

"I'm not doing any other job" I said and he shook his head

"Come watch me race" he said

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