36 ~ The Drug-Lord's Nerd

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Rio wouldn't ever hurt me

That's one thing that I knew so why was that stupid thought still circling my head 

Rio then walked in and he got into bed with me and stroked my hair 

''Listen stop thinking about it, I know she's your mother but she doesn't realize what a great daughter she just left, okay?'' he said and i smiled 

''Come on you don't look tired, let's go somewhere'' he said

''Where'' I asked and he smirked 

''Wear something warm'' he said and i put on his hoodie and some joggers 

''Oh no Emma's having sex'' i said and he laughed 

''You're louder come on lets give them some privacy'' 

''The boat guy, josh, him and Troy heard us in that hut'' i said

''So what he usually brings his wife to the hut a few minutes away from ours'' he said and we got into his car 

''Where are we going?''

''Shhhhh'' he said 

It was almost midnight and we were driving through through what seemed like a hike trail or the woods 

Actually both 

Soon we pulled up to the top of a mountain and i just realized...how the hell did i not realize we were driving up

''Come on'' he said and took me to the edge and we saw most of the city 

''Don't fall off the edge please'' he said and I laughed and we sat down on the blanket he put down 

''I was thinking you know in the summer holidays I'll take you to Italy'' he said and i laughed 

''Don't laugh im serious'' he said and i hugged him harder 

''I love you'' i said and he looked down at me and smiled, his dimples showing 

''I love you too'' he said and we just spent like an hour talking and staring at the city 

''Let's go in the car its cold now, my butts freezing'' he said and we got in and he went to the back seat and smirked

''You think you're smooth huh'' i said and he tilted his head a little and his smirk grew wider and i crawled into the back seat onto his lap

His hands snaked to my waist and i placed one hand on his face and pressed my lips to his and he moved to the last seat and laid me on the other two and got on-top of me 


I woke up in a bed and the realized we were back home and then Rio walked out of the bathroom and he smiled

''Hey you're awake'' he said  and i felt a little dizzy and really sick and he sat next to me

''No i'm gonna be sick'' i said rushing towards the toilet and threw up whatever i had eaten last night

''WE'RE BACK'' i heard the bed room door open 

''Oh shit'' i heard beth say and after i was done i rinsed my mouth and walked out of the bathroom

''are you?''

''oh fuck'' i said and raised my hands to my forehead 

''Hey, hey it's okay'' Rio said and hugged me 

''I'm only a college kid'' i said 

''Hey guys look i brought donuts'' i heard luke say 

''Oh mia sweetie did you see Rio's face when you woke up, is that why you're crying'' he said and beth hit his hand 

''What'd i miss'' he said sitting down 

''At least lets get you a test and so what if you're pregnant, as long as me and Rio's alive we'll never let you have any issues'' luke said and i smiled faintly as the test was placed into my hand and i got up and walked to the bathroom 

I had placed the test on the side of the sink and sat on the toilet lid with my hands in my head 

It's okay Mia, It's okay

Two minutes had passed and i looked over at the sink, scared of picking it up 

I took a huge breath in and picked it up and closed my eyes and then when i opened them I felt my heart sink a little 

My heart raced and my palms became sweaty

I walked out of the bathroom and everyone looked at me with something twinkling in their eyes hoping some good news

''It's positive'' i said and Rio hugged me and then so did Luke and then beth 

''That's great'' she said 

'I'm going to be a mother, we're parents'' i said 

Holy fuck. 

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