4 ~ The druglord's nerd

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I turned around to see a guy leaning on the wall covered in tattoos

"Who are you"

"Troy and you are?"

"Bored" I said and he laughed

"Great house but party's a bit eh if you don't know many people"

"Oh you're the new girls Mia" he said and I smiled

"That's me" I said and finished my drink off and he sat down next to me

"You should get in, warms you up"

"Don't wanna ruin the dress you know" I said and he chuckled

"Bit revealing isn't it" he said

"I'll see you around" I said getting up and taking my heels and making my way out before I realised

"Oh shit my bag" I said and he smiled and handed it over to me and I made my way downstairs to find hayleys boyfriend making out with someone

Someone that wasn't Hayley

"Jack" I said and he pulled back in horror

"Oh my god" I said taking a picture of both of them

"Delete that right now"

"No, you lying cheating wanker" I said

"What the fuck is a wanker"

"You, YOU'RE A WANKER" I yelled and he tried grabbing my phone and I jabbed my heel into his foot and as he groaned in pain i ran downstairs and found Hayley

"Your boyfriends cheating and right now after me" I said showing her the picture

"REALLY FUCKING ALEXANDRA JACK" she yelled as he ran down the stairs and looked extremely guilty

Hayley ran off and Emma followed and just when jack was going to I pushed him back

"Nah darling, go back to your hoe fest" I said and he smiled

"You're not going to do anything"

Punch him Mia

No Mia don't punch him


All it took was that little voice to grab his arm back and punch him across the face and he stumbled back

"Bitch" he yelled

"Thank you" I said and he ran out the back way

Just then I realised people were looking at me and my eyes widened and I headed into my car

I'm not that drunk I only had two drinks

And the house is literally 2 blocks away

God help me

I can't drive.. what if I'm tipsy

Mia just fucking drive

Lord sweet Jesus please help my soul

I started the engine and literally on the speed of ten made my way to the house, parked the car safely and made my way inside quietly and into my room

I changed out of my clothes and when to shower then put on some pyjamas

Party when I have college tomorrow... big mistake Mia

I messaged Emma to see how Hayley was holding up and she said she was not coming to college tomorrow

I mean it makes sense she just got cheated on

I put my phone on charge and drifted off to sleep

The Druglord's nerd Where stories live. Discover now