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Delta took out the list from her shirt pocket, and read what's next, "So, according to the list, the next is Yodeling."

Aggie frowned a little as she doesn't know trolls who yodel around.

"I believe I can take care of this one," Hickory interrupted, and came by (with his Country Troll disguise)

"Huh?" Aggie was a little confuse that a Country Troll will help her with Yodeling.

"Oh, yeah," Delta recognized this troll before as she smirked, and turned to the Magic Musical Troll, "Aggie, ya can go with this gentle troll here. He will help ya get your True Colors through Yodeling,"

Delta carried Aggie, and put her on Hickory's "back", "Why and how would a Country Troll help me with Yodeling?" She asked.

"No time to waste, missy!" Hickory started running off out of Lonesome Flats as Aggie screamed and held on. This troll is fast than she taught.

"Good luck with chu yodeling!" Yelled Delta until the two trolls disappeared from the horizon. Just then, the Mayor can't help but noticed Aggie mobile home beside her, "Hm?" She opened the door, and saw the insides. It was all clean, sparkly, and the stuff were arranged properly. This is what Aggie has been doing throughout an hour before she got out of her mobile home. Aggie was responsible for cleaning, like a Country Troll do, "We really need ta hire that gal."


Meanwhile, Hickory galloped as fast as he could get out of this desert. Aggie doesn't know where he's taking her, but she has to sit still so she won't fall, and has to wait if she wants to get her True Colors soon.

It's been hours when they traveled as Aggie accidentally fell asleep with her head laid at the back of Hickory's hat. Hickory made sure this troll shouldn't fell off as he galloped. He promised Poppy to keep her safe when he help her get her True Colors.

Hickory climbed all the way up on a snowy mountain with a sleep Aggie on his back as he stopped in front of a cottage.

"Hey, little miss. Wake up," Hickory shook Aggie to wake her up

"Huh?" Aggie snapped awake as she realized she fell asleep during the trip, "Oh, we've been travelling for hours!" She then hopped off Hickory, and felt she was stepping on something soft and cold, "Whoa, is this snow? And... we're on a mountain?!" After looking around, she turned and glared at Hickory, "Okay, okay, you look REEEEEEAAAAALLYYYYYYY familiar, but that's impossible because you're a Country Troll, and the last time I saw that troll who helped me besides Branch has only two legs. Who are you and how can you help me get my True Colors through yodeling when you're a Country Troll?"

"That's offensive," Hickory folded his arms.

"Offensive, alright!" Someone talked from behind Hickory.

Aggie suddenly yelped as she didn't see any troll talking besides her and Hickory, "Who was that?!"

Suddenly, Hickory's rear end started to move, and popped out arms, and was separated a few feet away from Hickory.

"AAAHHH!" Aggie shrieked in horror.

The rear end suddenly turned as it reveal to be another small troll, "Surprise!" He started to yodel, like he was proud of his music.

Hickory did the same as well as he removed his hat, and yodeled pretty loud.

Aggie gasped as she shook her head, "Wait, wait, wait... you're the Yodelers?!"

"Ja! Ya darn skippy, stranga'!" Dickory laughed.

"And you're going to help me get my True Colors with your music?"

Trolls: Music In LifeWhere stories live. Discover now