Chapter 2

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I was invited by the twins to join them in the Mystery Fair, it's like a carnival but cheaper. The Mystery Shack is quite far from my cabin so I decided to walk in the woods. It was relaxing and quite nostalgic like I have been here before. I hope it's not a bad idea and I'm low-key exploring Gravity Falls too!

"Help! Help!!" Someone shrieked and it immediately caught my attention. I used my ears to sense where's the noise coming from. I tiptoed and walked behind the bush. I looked stealthily and it was a little man with a red cone on its head who's been screaming for help. He was carried by a goat. Wait... Is that a gnome?!

I immediately ran and saved the gnome and shooed the goat away.

"Are you okay?" I asked him yet he kept staring at me and he cleared his throat.

"My... you saved me.... Thank you," He said.

You are more beautiful than Mabel." He mumbled.

"You knew Mabel?" I lit up.

"Of course... I did." He squinted.

"That's great! I knew her too! In fact, she's my best friend. I hope you're fine and woah, you're a gnome! That's cool." I said in amazement. I thought they weren't real and just decorations in the garden.

"In fact, I am. My name is Jeff, leader of the gnomes, princess." He smiled smugly.

"I want to express my gratitude. Come and let's go visit our tavern."

"Oh, I can't. I mus–"

"I insist."

"Fine, just a few minutes, okay?" I said and followed him.

We reached the tavern and it was breathtaking. The crystals were scattered around the tavern and it was filled with little mushroom. Many gnomes showed and some of them waved at me. It appears that Jeff is the youngest gnome. Maybe, that's the reason why he's the leader.

"Wow, this is amazing." Looking around in amazement.

"I know you will like it, princess." He said. I cringed a little everytime he called me 'princess'. It was kind of disturbing when it's coming from him.

"So do the other gnomes have names?" I asked.

"Yes this is Steve, Jason, Carson, Andy," He pointed each of them.

"And... What's your name again? I keep forgetting it." He snapped his fingers as he tried to remember the name of the other gnome.


"Yes, Shmebulock! I always forget your name,"

"Princess, I know it's crazy but you're so beautiful. You really caught my attention and heart so will you be our Queen for eternity?" He kneeled down in one bended knee and showed a diamond ring. Wow... that escalated quickly.

"Uhm... Jeff, you're really thoughtful but you can work without a Queen. You can control, command, and rule the gnomes perfectly without it. Just look at them, it's true, isn't it?

"Yes, but–"

"And I'm way out of your league. I'm pretty sure there's better than me. You don't need a Queen, Jeff. I can see that you're a great leader of the gnomes." I said.

"I guess you are right..."

"Wait– wow, that's easy." I mumbled.

"But I still need a Queen to control, command, and rule beside me and you're my perfect and best match!" The gnomes cheered and kept saying, "Queen".

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