Chapter 14

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I can't believe Gideon stole the deed of the Mystery Shack. We didn't see or even expect that he's having a back up which is using a dynamite. Right now, the Pines Family is staying at my cabin. Mr. Stan and Dipper seem thinking on how we will get the Mystery Shack back. Mabel and I decided to cool a little bit by strolling around my cabin.

"Whattt? This is your bedroom? It's cool! I want a bedroom like this." She holds her cheeks in excitement and we move along.

I saw Mabel standing in front of Bill's room. Panic surged through my veins. I swear he didn't locked his room when he left. I was going to distract her when she asked.

"Whose room is this?" You can already tell that she's curious.

"It was William's" I said simply, hoping she'll ignore the room and proceeded to the another.

"Ohhhhhh, I wanna see his room! I can feel that his room is crazy. I don't why but I felt chills when I looked at it." She squealed and tried to open it but was locked. She pulled a hair clip but it still doesn't open.

"Nah, forget about it." She walked away. I went near at his room door. I put my hand on the door and twisted it. In my surprise, it was not locked.

"What the..." I entered and locked it immediately. I stared the painting of him, it was hung up high. I saw a piano in the corner of his room, I went near it as I saw a little note on the piano keys.

"If you can read this, you probably entered my room, Sunflower." I read and blushed a little.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you. Keep in mind that no one can enter this room except for you and me. Did you know that I strangely feel your sadness? I personally hate it when you're sad. It makes me want to come back, i̶f̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶s̶t̶u̶p̶i̶d̶ ̶h̶e̶n̶c̶h̶m̶a̶n̶i̶a̶c̶ ̶d̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ anyway, please smile even when I'm away. We'll meet again. -Bill." I smiled and kept the little note inside my pocket. I left his room and went to the living room where the Pines Family and Soos were.

"Woah, what is that shining thing?" Mr. Stan's tried to reach something in the sofa.

"Aha!" He lifted up his hand, revealing it's the ring that Bill gave to me.

"Oh thank you, you found it!" I immediately grabbed it from him and put on my ring finger.

"You're engaged?!" Mabel gasped.

"What? Pfffft! No!" I snorted.

"Someone gave it to me as a gift." I informed.

"Oh." Mabel responded.

"Okay, no time to lose! Contact Soos, we're going to take the Shack back!" We nodded as we're determined to get the shack back. We disguised ourselves and went to the Gideon's event in the Mystery Shack.

"Mystery Shack Grand Closing?" I read.

"Rude." I muttered and entered the place.

"We're in." Dipper said.

"Just gonna say it, I don't know what we're doing here, but I'm loving these fake mustaches." Mabel spoke.

"You do Mabel but I'm rocking this top hat." I pointed at my top hat.

"If anyone asks, I'm not Soos." Soos pointed at his 'Not Soos' hat.

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