Chapter 17

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Last night, Bill and I had a horror movie marathon. It was kinda weird watching with him. He was laughing like it was a comedy. We decided to watch horror movies again. We were laying in the sofa. I cuddle him as he plays my hair.

"No! Don't open that door! The killer's there!" I commented. Yet the girl opened the door, the killer stabbed her repeatedly, it was gorey and hard to watch. I looked up and Bill was chuckling.

"You know, it's funny how really dumb she is. Why does people in horror movies doesn't use their common sense?"

"Good point, Bill!" I agreed. Suddenly, my ringtone came to my phone.

"Sunflower, your device is ringing. You should answer that." Bill said.

"I know, I know. I just want to listen my ringtone first before I answer it." Few seconds later, I answered and it was Mabel.

"Y/N, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Mabel's booming voice came.

"Ouch, that hurts my ear. My cabin, why?" I said.

"You are still in your cabin?! Get your butt up and go here! Remember the Mystery Hunt?!"

"Oh, shoot!" I clapped my forehead.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm going! I'll just run! Sorry!" I immediately hang up the phone.

"What's the matter?" Bill asked. I hurriedly grabbed my things.

"Mystery Hunt! I forgot that we're having it today!"

"Going with them again?"

"Don't worry, Bill. I'll get a day off soon." Bill snakes his hand around my waist and sat on the sofa, making me sit too.

"Bill, let me go. I need to go there soon."

"Why go to the Mystery Hunt when the answer is already with you?" He referred himself.

"I know everything." Images flashed through his eyes. I shook my head.

"You know, mysteries are worth it to explore and discover. Especially, when unravelling with your friends." I chuckled.

"Don't worry, I'll be back." I kissed him on the cheeks. He sighed in defeat.

"Fine." I blew him a kiss and ran quickly to the forest.

"Okay, guys." I panted.

"What did I miss?" I asked.

"Y/n!" Dipper, Mabel, and Soos called.

"Hello! Sorry if I'm late." I said.

"It's fine! I just shouted at you to pressure you." Mabel laughed.

"We're here to solve the number one mystery in Gravity Falls, who wrote this journal?! Years ago the author vanished without a trace. But according to this new clue," Dipper turned on portable black light, revealing all the hidden drawings on the page.

"We may have found his secret hiding place. We find that author, we learn the answers to everything. We just need to figure out a way to get down there." Dipper said.

"Chop it down, dudes!" Wendy arrived. 

"Wendy!" Mabel called.

"Hey Wendy!" I said.

"Oh, hey! You came."  Dipper said. I smiled and I'm glad he invited Wendy to our Mystery Hunt.

One time, when Dipper and I were alone in the Gift Shop and maybe Mabel, Soos, and Wendy were outside, playing Spin The Pig. I saw him writing something, struggling and scribbling something out.

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