Chapter 15; Run, Run, as Fast as You Can

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Kokichi hid behind the couch as Shuichi answered the door.

"Kyoko..? It's late, is something wrong..?" Shuichi spoke, skillfully masking the annoyance with his voice and replacing it with tiredness.

"Well, yes, but it's important..." Kyoko spoke, crossing her arms and looking into the house. "May I come in?"

Shuichi hesitated, glancing back as well and looking at a clock. "Kyoko, it's really late, just tell me what it is and we can figure it all out in the morning.

Kyoko sighed,"Fine. Goodnight. Be at my dorm, 6:30 AM sharp."

The door then closed, the sound of Kyoko walking away was only heard for a moment.

Kokichi moves from his hiding positing, hugging Shuichi. "Let's run!"

"Run? What do you mean, Kokichi?"

The violette sighed, gazing through the peephole on the door to make sure no one was there. "I mean run away. Start a new life, together. Away from danger, hate, and taxes!"

Shuichi shook his head. "What, n-no, we cant do that-!"

There was no answer.
"Exactly! Besides I know a beautiful place we can go, okay? So, c'moooon!"

Kokichi ran into the kitchen, grabbing all the food he could find and stuffing them into plastic shopping bags. Shuichi sighed, deciding to help him. "Are we really doing this?"


And with that, they left the house, running away as fast as they could with Kokichi leading them somewhere into the woods.

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