5. Home Sweet Home

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We enter Lincoln's apartment. I notice the hallway is dark.

"Looks like Jason and Ray aren't home," he observes, hanging his coat on the coat rack, helping me with mine as well. He leads me into his room. It's more or less what I expected a male college student's room to look like, a bed with unmade sheets, a couple of pictures hanging on the walls, an overflowing hamper, random textbooks scattered on the floor and dresser, and a computer.

Before I can spend any more time looking, Lincoln quickly pulls me onto the bed. He pulls me closer and kisses me, our movements meld together. His hand reaches under my shirt, every touch feeling electric, sending shivers down my body. I arch my back, trying to get closer to his touch. 

"Lincoln, please," I whine. He nods, and unzips my pants, and pulls them off, doing the same with his own. He reaches towards his nightstand, pulling a drawer open. I hear him swear under his breath.

"What's wrong?" I ask as he closes the drawer and checks his phone.

"I don't have a condom, and everything is closed now," he groans.

"Oh." I sit up, picking up my clothes that have been precariously tossed onto the floor. "Well, it's OK, I guess I should be heading home now, it's getting late." He probably doesn't want me to stay anyways.

"I have a better idea," he gives me a cunning smile, pulling my clothes out of my hand and tosses them to the side.

What's happening? I wonder to myself, as he gives me a quick kiss and gently pushes me back down onto the bed. He slightly lifts me and places a pillow under my butt.


I open the front door and enter, shutting it quietly behind me, in case Lincoln and Ray are asleep. I try to walk quietly but my muscles are stiff and sore, the girl I slept with tonight was pretty wild.

As I walk down the hall towards my room, Lincoln's door opens, and I'm shocked to see Katie come out.

"O-oh h-hi Jason," she stammers, avoiding eye contact. Her hair is messy, makeup is smudged, and clothes are wrinkled. It doesn't take a detective to know what just happened in there.

A sudden wave of anger goes through me. God, I don't know why I'm feeling like this, I only date model-type girls, thinking about my previous relationships - not cutesy ones like Katie. Yet there's something that annoys me about seeing a girl all over my friend, instead of me.

Lincoln comes out, looking just as disheveled as her. "Sup man," he greets me casually, as he puts his arm around Katie's waist.

"Hi," I say dryly, "was Katie headed out?"

"Oh no I told her she should stay over, it's getting late. I was just showing her to the bathroom," he says, taking Katie down the hall and making a left.

I don't go in my room, and decide to wait in the hall for Lincoln. He walks back soon after, looking surprised I'm still standing there.

"Yeah?" he asks.

"I don't think this is a good idea, you know, you and Katie." 

"Why not?" he asks, slightly frowning.

"You guys don't seem compatible, she's not your type," I state.

"I'm not sure about that, we've been getting along really well. She's sweet, funny, and caring." The goofy expression on his face looks like he's forgotten I'm here, and he's just happily talking to himself.

"Well, alright if you're sure, I guess," I mumble. I'm doubtful though.

"I'm sure." His tone is more stern this time. I'm not used to him acting so seriously. He just met her last week though, how serious could things even be?

"Night," I mumble, turning around and shutting my door.

I stand by my door, listening. I hear his door shut, and a minute later I hear light footsteps coming. I quickly open my door.

Katie slightly jumps, and looks at me with wide eyes. I feel a bit bad for startling her. I get the feeling that she's easily startled though. 

"Hey, could we talk?" I ask, stepping towards her. 

She glances to the side towards Lincoln's room. "Oh um sure."

I put my hand behind her back and lead her into my room.



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