41. Unwelcome

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Lincoln's parents are really nice, but it feels like Jasmine is just waiting for me to slip up and point out any flaws. Or even just twist my words back to me.

"So Lincoln tells me you're studying law?" I try and be friendly towards her, even though it doesn't feel like it's being reciprocated.

"Oh we're so proud of her," Angela says cheerfully, smiling at Jasmine.

"Yes. I study at Yale," she answers calmly in contrast to her mom.

I slightly choke on my tea. My eyes widen as I turn to Lincoln. He joked about Harvard but it's Yale?! He gives me a sheepish smile and pats my leg under the table. "O-oh I see. What type of law?"

She chuckles a bit, probably the first time since I've met her. "Personal injury law, ironically. What about you?"

"Well originally economics, but I've changed my major to psychology recently." It took a lot of thought, but I decided it felt right. Plus I'm only one semester into university, better now than in four years.

"Clinical or research?" she asks.

"Clinical. Both of my parents are medical doctors, I want to follow in their footsteps and help people," I say with a smile. I'd like to see what negative thing she can manage to find in that.

"I see. Decided med school would be too difficult?" she asks in a smug tone.

My grip around my glass tightens and I bite my tongue to hold back what I really want to say to her. I don't understand what her problem with me is. Lincoln doesn't hold back though. "For fucks sake Jasmine," he growls.

"Lincoln, language!" Angela scolds him.

"Sorry Mom," he grumbles. I'll have to admit, that was a little cute.

"No it's alright. I don't deny that medical school would be a challenge, I have a friend who is studying to be a doctor and I see how much work she's putting in," I explain calmly, "I just prefer the neurological and mental side of health." I can't help but notice her expression relax a bit.

It's a relief when the server comes over and takes our orders. We all order pretty classic brunch foods. Waffles, french toast, eggs benedict, avocado toast, and an omelet.

"So Katie, are you from here?" Angela asks.

"Oh no, I'm from Toronto. I moved here for university. What about you? And John?"

"I'm from here, I think it's a nice place to live," John chuckles.

"I'm from Japan, moved here a couple years before John and I got married over two decades ago," she smiles at John.

Jasmine leans over to mumble in Japanese to Angela, "I wonder if she's as uncultured as most white people."

"Actually, I visit my dad's family in Japan every summer," I respond smugly in Japanese.

Jasmine turns red while Angela laughs.

"It must've been scary moving all the way here," I point out.

She nods. "It was a big decision, moving so far away from my friends and family to be with a guy I met while on vacation, but I'd say it was worth it." I hope Lincoln and I will have a relationship like theirs, they seem so sweet and happy.

"Oh wow that's so sweet," I gush.

"Would you make sacrifices for Lincoln?" Jasmine asks after recollecting herself, raising a perfectly penciled eyebrow.

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