25. Missed you

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"Jesus Christ," I groan as Christie's moan follows mine. I collapse limply onto the bed next to her. Damn, this chick has some stamina, I think to myself as I check my phone and realize how long I've been here. It's why she's one of my favorites.

I stand up and start to get dressed.

"Aw can't you stay longer?" she pouts, and sits up, letting the covers slip off of her, revealing her bare chest. I can't help but feel like that was deliberate.

I look at her for a moment and consider it. "Nah, I have an important meeting tomorrow at work I can't be tired for. I'll see you around."


On my drive home, I see the theater. I haven't gone since that time with Katie. I miss having her around. I've seen their stories, it seems like she and her boyfriend hang out with Ray and Lincoln a lot. His name is Chad apparently. Can you get more 'basic white male' than that?

I get a text from Stacy while I'm eating dinner.

S: sorry but no thanks.

Well shit. Now every girl I've asked to be my date to the Christmas dinner has said no. I think for a bit, and make a call.

"H-hello?" Katie answers.

Her voice is trembling and I hear her sniff.

"Katie? Is everything OK?" I ask, concerned.

"Y-yes," I hear another sniff.

"Katie what's wrong?" I ask, getting up from the dining table.

"We broke u-up," she whimpers quietly.

"Alright, are you at home?" I ask, grabbing my car keys.

"Yes," she says, sounding slightly more calm.

"OK, hang tight."


I take the elevator down to the first floor, and go to the main entrance. I see Jason waiting outside. I probably look like a mess right now - I feel like a mess too. I'm just wearing leggings and an over sized hoodie. I open the doors, letting a gust of the cold winter air blow in. Jason gives me a kind smile.

"Hey Katie."

I let him in and we head back up to my dorm room. The elevator ride up is silent. I unlock my room and sit on my bed, propping myself against the wall with a pillow. I keep the main lights off, the only source of light is coming from the lamp on my desk.

"May I?" he asks.

I nod, and he sits down next to me.

"So what happened?" he asks softly and rests his hand on mine. It feels comforting.

Part of me doesn't want to tell him. I shouldn't have let him come over. I'm setting myself up for disappointment. The other part of me really wants support right now. His deep eyes rest on me with a warm gaze.

"He gave me a spare key to his place. I showed up unexpected a few hours ago to return something. He said he was busy tonight because he had work so I wasn't expecting anyone to be there. But he was there," My eyes water, but I push through to finish speaking. "He was in his bed with another girl."

The tears I've been trying so hard to hold back start spilling. Jason quickly pulls me into a hug and strokes my hair while I cry into his shoulder.

"Guys like him aren't worth your time," he whispers, stroking my back.

I eventually run out of tears and slowly pull away. He gives me a reassuring smile and pushes my damp hair out of my face, and uses a tissue to wipe my eyes. "Thanks," I mumble, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom."

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