38. Catch up

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"Are you still going to live in the same apartment?"

"No. Jason's parents own the apartment we've been living in, and Ray and I don't really feel comfortable living there anymore," he says, rubbing the back of his neck.

"So what are you going to do?"

"Well Ray and I have been talking about it for the past couple days. There's an apartment we found," he says, looking happier. "Reasonably priced, just outside of downtown. So we bought it, we're just finishing up some paperwork and should start moving in next week."

"Oh wow that's great," I say cheerfully.

"That reminds me," he says, with a slightly hopeful look, "would you be interested in moving in with us? Stephanie is planning to do so after the lease on her apartment is up in June. Your student housing ends in May right?"

I nod, a comforting warmth rushes through my body. "I'd love to."


"It was the first night I stayed over, when I was on my way back from the bathroom," I say, looking at my lap. "I'm sorry, I should've told you about it."

"Well I guess I should've told you about him talking to me as well, while you were in the bathroom," he says, chuckling a little.

"He basically just told me to stay away from you. I was very...intimidated, but I did my best to stand my ground," I explain.

Lincoln looks at me proudly. "Well, I'm glad you didn't back down. He more or less said the same to me."

"He did it again, the day after the welcome back social. He was judging me, yet I spotted him coming out of one of the sorority houses," I smirk.

"What a dick," he snorts.


"So who was that girl you brought to the Halloween party?" I ask, recalling the blonde girl dressed as an angel I saw that night.

He groans and rolls his eyes, "Diane. She had some sort of fling with Jason, apparently he ghosted her and she convinced me to go as her date, I guess to spite him."

"How did that go?"

"Not in her favor. Jason couldn't have cared less. She spent like, maybe fifteen minutes with me before she wandered off on her own," he shakes his head and chuckles. He looks at me with a curious look. "Do you remember much from that night?"

I feel my face go red. Here goes nothing. "I'll be honest, I saw you with her so I went with Tina and Stephanie to the bar. I don't even remember how many shots I took...too many I guess...because I got upset. I don't remember the next little bit after that."

He looks at me sympathetically and strokes my hand. "I'm really sorry about that. I'll admit it didn't feel great when I saw you all over Jason...literally."

I furrow my brows. "What happened?"

He looks slightly amused. "You stumbled over to us and collapsed into Jason. You were very convinced you were fine, and collapsed again. They brought you to one of the rooms after that."

I groan and bury my face into his shoulder. "Oh god, I don't remember that at all." I pause awkwardly, not sure whether or not to continue telling him about what happened.

He raises an eyebrow, even though he's probably already deducted what happened after that based on my expression. "Spit it out Katie."

"Well, I woke up at around four in the morning. Jason came in to give me some stuff, and then we...we..." I struggle to continue.

He gives me a sympathetic look and strokes my arm. "It's alright, I get it."


Lincoln slightly chokes on his coffee laughing. "You walked in on him having office sex?!"

"Yeah...one of the most awkward situations I've ever walked into." I still remember the wide eyed looks we all shared. "I dropped what I was holding and just fucking bolted out of there."

He suddenly has a horrified look on his face. "Oh my god do you think he's brought girls into the club office for that? I sit on that sofa," he groans loudly. "Looks like Ray's first presidential duty will be to burn it."


"Did you date anyone after we broke up?" I'm slightly afraid to hear the answer. I know that probably makes me a huge hypocrite though.

"Officially dated, no. Went on a couple dates," he pauses for a bit with a strained expression on his face, "hooked up a couple times."

I try to give him a reassuring smile. "It's alright, you don't have to feel guilty. I appreciate the honesty."

He nods. "I couldn't really get into it though. I would always just be thinking of you," he admits.

"O-oh I see," I say, a bit flustered.


"I can't believe I dated Chad," I groan, burying my face into Lincoln's shoulder. "He was pretty much a caricature. Privileged white male. A brainless, egotistical, conceited, womanizer. Honestly I think he was just curious about what dating an Asian would be like."

"How'd you even meet him anyways?" Lincoln asks, stroking my hair.

I sheepishly lift my head back up. "I went with Jason and Belle to get ice cream. He worked there and I gave him my number. It was actually the ice cream place we went on our first...date."

He gives me a big smile. "I didn't know you actually realized that was a date."

I nudge him playfully. "Hey come on, I'm not that oblivious."

He shrugs. "You seemed pretty naive when we first met. It was kinda cute in a way, I have to admit," he says with a mischievous smile on his face, "I thought you might not have realized our second date was a date either, until I had my face between your thighs."

I gasp and feel my face turn red.


"She looked like she wanted to bite his head off, I can't believe Jason didn't pick up on that vibe," he slides his hand down his face in frustration.

I chuckle, "Leena is cute, you know how he is."

"I do, unfortunately."

"She's a very protective friend. She was being defensive because I had already been talking to her about him. I should've listened to her," I say, resting my forehead in my palm.

"I agree," he says playfully.


"I heard from Stephanie that you wanted to ask me to the dinner."

He sighs, "Oh god, you don't even know everything that happened on my end."

"This sounds interesting," I say, amused.



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