16. Glitter

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I stand outside the animal shelter, waiting for Jason and his sister. Jason originally wanted to go to the pet store, but I convinced him the shelter would be a much better choice. I spot them coming down the street, Jason sees me and waves.

"Hey Katie, this is my sister, Belle," he greets me. His sister is much younger than I expected. She has strawberry blonde hair tied up in two pigtails, she's wearing a pink frilly dress, and carrying a butterfly shaped backpack. She's holding Jason's hand but she partially hides behind him.

He notices her hiding and laughs. "Aw Belle don't be shy, this is my friend Katie I told you about."

Oh god, there's just something about seeing guys who are good with children that's so attractive.

I quickly snap out of it and crouch down to Belle's height to talk to her. "Hi Belle, your dress is so pretty. I love how it matches your bag."

She smiles a little. "Thank you."

"How old are you?" I ask.

"Four," she says, slightly coming out from behind Jason.

"Oh wow! I can't believe you get to get your very own dog when you're four, you're so lucky," I laugh. When I was four my parents wouldn't even let me get a fish.

She giggles, letting go of Jason's hand and grabs mine. "Let's go in!"

Jason smiles warmly at me.

There are posters of dogs and cats all over the walls. The walls are painted white and bright blue, with a cute paw print design. We can hear multiple dogs barking. Jason puts Belle in the corner of the room with books and wooden bead maze toys that every waiting room seems to have. We talk to the receptionist for a bit before a girl comes out from the back.

"Hey there, I'm Emma," I notice her gaze linger on Jason. "I heard someone's getting a dog!" she says, looking at Belle, who nods excitedly.

She leads us down a long hall, the sounds of dogs barking and cats meowing echoes through the hall. "So were you looking for an older dog? Younger?"

"I think Belle wants a puppy," Jason says.

"OK, let's head into this room then." She turns to a room to the left. Inside, there is a large playpen with lots of towels and toys. There are a couple of puppies in the pen who are playing with each other.

"Oh my god this is so cute," I gush.

Emma opens the gate. "You can play with them, see if any of them are what you're looking for. I'll be back in a bit."

We enter the pen, and the puppies run up to us. We sit down, and a baby Pomeranian climbs onto my lap. It's so soft. I turn and look at Jason, he looks panicked and confused, as 5 different puppies climb all over him.

"Um help help help," he stammers.

I laugh, and help take them off, gently setting them back down onto the floor.

I show Belle how to be gentle with the puppies, since kids tend to be unintentionally aggressive with pets. She starts to pet and play with some of them.

"I think this one likes me," Jason smiles, petting a baby pit bull on his lap, who's happily laying on its back. Oh god, there's something about seeing guys being good with animals that's so attractive too.

The Pomeranian has returned to my lap, and I stroke its soft fur. Jason looks at me and smiles, "You look so adorable right now."

I try not to blush. "It's the puppy, it makes everything around it cute."

I look at Belle, she's hugging a golden retriever puppy. It licks her nose and she giggles. I go over to her. "Aw Belle, do you like her?"

She looks at me with a big grin. "Yes."

We play with the golden retriever for a bit. Belle seems to already love the dog. I look over, and see Jason standing by the door with Emma. It's pretty easy to tell by their body language what's going on. She's twirling her hair and playfully touching his arm. Jason seems to be pretty happy about it, flashing his signature charming smile. She hands him her phone, and he enters something into it. I manage to hear over all the barking, "It's a date" as he hands her phone back.

I feel a tightness in my chest, but try to ignore it. Jason comes over to us, I don't turn, and continue watching Belle and the puppy.

"Is this the one you want?" he asks Belle.

"Yes!" she says, hugging her again.

"Oh! Don't squeeze her too tight." I quickly loosen her grip.

Emma approaches us. "Aw, looks like you've found your new family member. Let's leave her here for now, and please come with me so we can fill out some paperwork."

We follow her into the office and sit down. Jason puts Belle onto his lap. Emma hands him a couple pamphlets about being a dog owner, and gives a summary about important things to know. He signs a bunch of documents, and she hands Belle an adoption certificate.

"What are you naming her?" he asks Belle.

She thinks for a moment. "Katie!" My eyes widen and I give Jason a look he immediately understands.

"Oh, Belle, I don't think that's a good idea. Katie is uh..already taken," he says quickly, "don't you think she should get a brand new name?"

"Glitter!" she exclaims.

"Good choice," I laugh.


Jason carries Glitter in a dog carrier as we head out. I hold Belle's hand.

"See you soon," Emma waves, winking at Jason.

I pretend I don't notice.

"Jay Jay can we get ice cream?" Belle asks after Jason buckles her into her car seat.

"Uhh, sorry Belle but I don't think that's a good idea. It's almost your dinner time and I need to bring you home," Jason says with a frown. I can tell he hates saying no to her.

"Please?!" she asks again. She's too adorable.

"Yeah, come on 'Jay Jay', it's a special day today," I chuckle, nudging him.

He smiles sheepishly. "Alright, ice cream it is."

"Yay! Thanks Katie," Belle cheers from the backseat, "you hear that Glitter?!" 



Kids are adorable. (I found the cutest picture oh my gosh)

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