11. Not so happy birthday

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Ray is leaving as I get home.

"Hey where are you headed? I'm throwing a party tonight," I say to him.

He rolls his eyes and laughs. "You're partying again? We basically had a party last night."

"Come on it's for Becky's birthday," I say. "Plus event parties are different, we're not supposed to drink at them since we're in charge."

"Her birthday? Isn't it not till next Friday?" 

I pause, "Well yes but I thought it'd be fun to celebrate sooner than later."

He looks at me suspiciously. "Alright, have fun. I'm staying over at Stephanie's tonight, we're meeting with her parents for brunch."

I can't remember the last time I've introduced a girl to my parents.

After Ray leaves, I take out my phone and text all my friends about the party. For students, we have a really nice place, and everyone loves coming to parties hosted here, so I expect a large turnout.


The music is going, people are drinking and socializing, bottles of alcohol are scattered everywhere, and I'm pretty sure some lewd things are going on in the guest bedroom.

I'm a bit tipsy, but in much better shape than most of the people here. Becky comes over to me, obviously having drank too much.

"Jason! Thanks so much for this!" she shouts, pulling me into a hug, nearly spilling her drink on the floor.

Before I can answer, I see the front door open, and Lincoln comes in, looking confused. I release myself from Becky's grasp and quickly go up to him.

"What the hell is this?" he groans tiredly. His hair is messier than usual and the top couple buttons of his dress shirt are undone.

"Just throwing a little get together for Becky's birthday," I say.

"Aren't you going to get in trouble? It's already past midnight, and it's so loud," he shouts, having to raise his voice after someone changes the music.

"You know I won't," I say, "my parents own this building remember?" I get away with more than I probably should here.

"Whatever. I'm heading to bed, I'm exhausted from work," he mutters, heading towards the hall.

"Aw come on man, just stay for a little bit. Say hi to Becky at least," I say, waving at Becky, who comes over.

"Lincoln!" she shouts and hugs, "It's so good to see you!"

He smiles weakly. "Hey Becky, happy early birthday."

"Have a shot with me!" she exclaims as she hands him and myself shot glasses.

"You heard her," I smile, and he reluctantly drinks.

I pull Lincoln towards the counter covered with bottles. I pour us some drinks. "Come on Lincoln, we haven't partied like this in over a year," I say.

He looks at me wide eyed. "I haven't, you still go to parties all the time."

"Well OK that's true," I admit, "but the two of us haven't! Remember how we used to be."

He looks thoughtful for a moment, "OK OK, just for a little bit though."


It takes me giving him a couple drinks, but Lincoln starts to resemble the old him I remember. The Lincoln from senior year in high school, and freshman, sophomore, and junior year in university; Rowdy, social, and flirtatious.

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