23. Hide

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I get a text, it's from Jason.

J: Hey want to get dinner tonight? :)

Weeks have gone by since the party and it's as if nothing happened that night. Neither of us have acknowledged it, even though we hang out all the time.

I feel like I'm being led on. I don't feel like I'm being treated like a regular "friend." But at the same time, it's not like we're actually dating. I'm just in a weird limbo between friend and girlfriend.

I've definitely fallen for him, I don't want to ruin our friendship and confess my feelings though. What would I even expect to come out of doing that? He's still going on dates with other girls, and hits on them when I'm out with him.

Is this even better though? It feels as if I only have two options.

Stay around, keep him in my life like I desperately want him to be, but get hurt.

Let him go, even though it feels like it'll hurt even more.

K: Sorry, no thanks.

I'm tired of getting my feelings hurt.


"Meeting adjourned, thanks for coming," I announce, dismissing our event committee.

Katie and Lincoln are standing to the side, chatting. I'm glad they're on better terms now. Something's been up with her lately though, she's declined the last four times I've asked her to hang out. Maybe she's PMSing or something.

I wait till Lincoln and Ray leave to talk to Katie.

"Hey Katie, are you free on Friday afternoon?" I ask. I know she is, her last class finishes at 3 pm.

She raises an eyebrow, "Why?"

"I was going to give Belle her first tour of my parent's office. I thought you might want to come, she misses you."

Her expression softens and she laughs a little, "I guess I can't say no to that, send me the address later."

I knew she wouldn't be able to resist.


Belle and I wait in the lobby for Katie. She's having trouble staying still, bouncing on her chair and marching around the room. "You're going to tire yourself out before we even get upstairs kiddo," I say.

She giggles, and climbs onto my lap. "Ok Jay Jay."

We wait a little bit longer, until we see Katie come in. "Katie!" Belle hops off my lap and runs over to Katie who crouches down to hug her.

She takes Belle's hand and comes over to me. "Jeez this is one of the nicest office buildings downtown," she murmurs as her eyes roam around the lobby.

I nod as we step into the elevator, "My parents own it, we only use the top twelve floors though."

I show them around the office. Most of the working areas are open concept, my parents didn't like the idea of sticking people in cubicles. Katie seems impressed by the interior designing. Belle is shy and clings to me, a lot of the employees try saying hi to her.

I show them the lounge and café. "I can't believe there's an entire floor just for leisure," Katie says, looking around.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice," I grin, plopping Belle onto a beanbag chair.

I get Belle a cookie from the café. I come back to see her chatting with Katie.

"...should just tell him!" I hear the end of Belle's sentence.

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