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My mom and me were super excited. My dad, a colonel in the Indo-China border is coming back home after his retirement. My mom's eyes were searching for him as the train arrived at platform number 7. She was literally searching for like a bomb squad, searching for an atom bomb.

My father peeped outside from one of the compartments, looking here and there. I saw him and waved my hand with a smile. He came out and took a deep breathe by standing on the floor. My father, Colonel Ravi Kumar is back!!!

He was the same as he was when I saw him in my childhood. 6 feet tall, with a  moustache and fit.

"Maa, appa is here." My mom turned with a gleaming smile. I embraced my dad. "Happy to see you dad, after a long time." I said as I paved way for my mom to see him. They both embraced each other. So romantic.

But the next moment my father looked and asked me, "Keerthana, what sought of dress is this? And why haven't you tied your hair?" Started. Again started. He was as same as he was in my childhood. I was wondering when will he started. " Just leave her dear, you are seeing her after a long time." I chuckled and took one of the big suitcases.

My mom and dad sat at the back and I sat in the front. I drove the car. As I started the car, my dad also started.
"You have changed a lot Keerthana. I heard you that you are getting up late in the morning, wearing all sorts of this... What do you call it? Ah, this palazzo, half pant, sleeveless dress. What nonsense...

My father haven't changed a bit. He always wanted me to be traditional and wanted to follow his rules like an army officer. Luckily my mom stopped it again. I thought not to listen to my father, for I need to concentrate in driving. I took this resolution when I hit a lamp-post last month.

As we reached home, my dad was horror-struck to see the house as I painted everywhere to make the plain walls attractive.

"What the hell is this Keerthana? Why did you do this to my precious house?....."

Before start I ran inside and locked my room. This will last for one more hour. So you should have guessed my lifestyle now.

I, Keerthana Ravi Kumar is a girl bought up with rules and regulations and I don't follow them. Event hough my father comes only once in a year, I manage myself to be discipline. Eventhough my father tells me to do this and that, he my sweet father and I love him to the core.

My mom is Seetha Ravi Kumar, an English teacher and a trendy woman. She supports me everytime when father scolds me. So coming to the point, my parents are going to start searching an alliance. It was pre-planned by my father. That too army officers are coming this month for vacations. I don't want an army man as my husband. I want my man to be with me all the times and I have seen my mom.

She was so emotionally attached to my father and if there was any attack in my father's side, she becomes too depressed. I decided at that time that I will not marry an army officer.


Crowd. Too much crowd. I was literally getting squashed. The train stopped. I waited for everyone to get down and I waved my friends a goodbye for their vacations. Then three well-known faces came. It was my mother, father and my sister.

"Vikram, how are you da?" My mom asked. "I'm fine mom, but let us talk in the car." We made our way through the crowd and somehow came out.

My mom and sister sat at the back and me and dad in front. My dad drove the car. "You know something Vikram?" Nandita, my sister asked me. "Shsh....."
My mom made gesture to her. I asked what is it. No one replied.

As we reached home, I saw my grandma, who was in a wheel chair. She was super excited to see me. I hugged her and went to my room. "Mom, I will go and take a shower" I said and went to my room. After 15 mins, I came out and looked everyone. They where so quite. I thought that they are going to confess something.

"Vikram, we saw the numeroligist yesterday, " My mom started and I thought about it. No, it shouldn't be..." He said that you need to get married within this year."

The thing which I don't want right now is this. What is the use of having family right now? Anyways, I will be away for 11 months. And I have my own wishes about my lady. She should be a strict disciplinarian. She should obey me. But no woman is like that.

"Mom please stop this. I don't have time for all this. So Nandita was trying to say this but you stopped." She knows that I will get irritated. "See won't get married for next 5 years. The numeroligist told us." My mom told me.

Its enough dude. I have achieved my dream of going to army and I don't want any marriage right now. I want to be a free man.

Hey my dear readers, I am so happy to introduce Keerthana and Vikram here.

Keerthana wants a life without rules but Vikram wants his wife to obey him.

Their track is going to join together in the upcoming chapters. Please vote for me😊

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