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It was nearly 5 days we started to be friends. It was somewhat hard in the start but I got the momentum.I found a very different Vikram. He was conservative as usual. We went jogging together sometimes. He runs faster than me. He teases me sometimes.

We both had conversations at midnight when we struggled to sleep. We talked about our childhood, our friends, blah, blah....

Everything changed. When I was late for office one day, he helped me to pack my stuff. Gentleman. I feel so comfortable with him now. But no love. I was working on an important project. I was busy sometimes. Vikram understood and cooperated with me.

It was Saturday night. I saw my mother-in-law was so happy.
"What is it athai (mother-in-law)?"
"My mother is coming here after a long time from England. She was with my brother there. They are coming here as a family." She said with a smile.

I haven't seen Vikram's maternal grandmother in my wedding. I heard that she was sick and bed-ridden that time. So Vikram's uncle and aunt did not attend the function. His cousins came.

"When are they coming maa?" Nandita asked.
"Day after tomorrow." My mother-in-law said.
"Anni (sister-in-law), you know what? My another grandma is so strict and conservative. She is so straight forward. So we need to stop our criminal activities for two weeks." She whispered to me.

I went to bed with all thoughts about her. Vikram entered the room with a millions of smiles.

"You know what Keerthana? My grandma is coming.  It's been years since I saw her. She is an interesting character." He said to me while he sat on the bed and leaned on the head board.

I nodded a yes and fell asleep. I sleep so fast nowadays.

Two days later

Today Vikram's uncle and his family are coming from England. I had an important meeting today. They insisted me to come to the airport but I told that I am not coming.

I wore an orange shirt and a black formal pant. I took off the top button and that looked so professional. "All the best Keerthana." I heard the voice when I was looking at the dressing table mirror. It was Vikram. I told him about my project.

"Please be calm and steady. Don't be nervous okay?" He told me as he neared me. His voice and words were just making me more confident. I got up and turned around to thank him.

I had my breakfast and packed up to go for office.  I reached my office after 30 minutes. I spent time with my colleagues and started to prepare the notes for speaking in the meeting.

After lunch, we had the meeting. I was nervous. But I heard Vikram's voice in my mind. I gained confidence and presented my project. Everyone appreciated me. I was so happy. I was not so calm before in any meetings like this before.

As I reached my home, I got a call from office. "Keerthu, your project was a success. Our clients chose your project. I am so happy baby." It was my friend Ranjitha. I was on cloud nine.

I was out of my senses. I ran inside side jumping and hopping. "Nandu, athai. I want to say...." I ran inside to the dining area to see new members. It was Vikram's uncle's family. Keerthana idiot did you forget that they are coming?

"Ah.. this is Keerthana. She is my wife." Vikram said to them with a fake smile. Everyone smiled fakery and nodded their heads. And I saw a new grandma. She was glaring at me. This must be Vikram's grandma.

Biggest embarrassment of my life!!!! I just put my head down and walked fast to reach the bedroom. I heard an elderly voice shouting, "Your wife doesn't have manners Vikram. See Lakshmi, you are pampering her too much. Keep your limits with her. Understood?"

Oh God! She is not satisfied with the first impression I gave her. This Vikram is gonna scold me. Amma....


I came to the airport along with my mom and dad. Nandita and Keerthana went to office. I felt someone behind me touching my shoulders. It was Gautam, my cousin. He was nearly 15 years younger to me. "Hey anna, how are you?" He asked me while shaking hands.

"Fine man. You have grown up. Where are the others?" I saw Shivani, aunt and unable coming along with my grandma.

Shivani was Gautam's elder sister. She was of Nandita's age. We greeted everyone and my grandma hugged and kissed my forehead with full of love. We reached home at 5:30PM. All of them went to the guest room to keep their luggage.

It was dinner time. We all sat in the dining table with extra chairs. We started eating and suddenly a familiar voice was shouting with full excitement. I saw Keerthana jumping and coming with full excitement. Is she out of her senses?

We looked at her and she stopped smiling and I introduced her. She walked out of the dining hall and I heard grandma scolding. I decided to be silent this time. I finished my dinner and went to the room.

I saw Keerthana sitting silently with her head down sadly. She was so tired. "Keerthana what happened outside?" I asked her. She said nothing. I went near her and knelt down to look at her face.

Her eyes looked at me and she started to say, "Vikram, I didn't mean to do it. I was so happy because my project was selected. I forgot about their arrival. I am so sorry." She whispered. I couldn't say anything. She should be happy now but she is sad.

"You scold me Vikram. How much ever you want. I am ready." She said like a kid. I smiled and said, "Keerthana, I was angry with you before, but now I am not. Don't worry. And congratulations for your project. You have not eaten anything right? Come and eat." I said. But she refused to come.

"I am not coming for dinner. I am scared. I am not eating."  She said.
"Don't behave like a child. I will protect you okay?" I said. Did I say that?
"No Vikram. She will scold me. I heard her scolding me. So I am not coming. What will the others think?" She asked me. Her eyes looked at me for answer.

"I told you I am there. I am her pet. Come now."
"No Vikram." She said. Atlast, now I need to get her. I took her arms and pulled her from the bed. I opened the door and took her to the dining room.

I made her sit and served her dinner. I sat near her and looked her how she ate. She was tearing the chapattis and dipped it in the channa masala so hardly that some gravy spilled on her plate. Childish. She was so hungry.

I saw Nandita, Gautam and Shivani coming in. They sat around us. "Hi I am Gautam." , "Hi I am Shivani." They said to Keerthana. "Hi." She said hesitating.

"Anni, they are not that much surprised. They know about you. I told them about you many times in phone." Nandita  told. Keerthana finished eating and started to talk in a normal way.

I think so she was relieved. Even I was talking with them. I heard footsteps approaching the dining hall. I saw the person. It was my grandma (strict one).

We all stood up. "So Keerthana, this is how you come without manners and sit and eat?" She started. It will not end for now.

"And look at your dress. So untidy. No manners. And who gave permission to work?" I saw Keerthana. She was in the verge of crying.

"Grandma, please stop it na. Everyone wants her to feel comfortable when I am not here. That is why she is like this." I said firmly. I took Keerthana's wrist and took her to the room. She wiped her tears which was about to pop out.

"I am sorry for her. You don't cry okay?" I went near her and grabbed her hands. She took it away and went to refresh herself. She came out after 10 minutes, arranged the pillows and slept.

I have seen her in tears before but this time, it was aching my heart. Why am I feeling like this?

I feel sorry for her. She must be happy today but she is not. Sorry Keerthana.

Hey my dear readers, Vikram and Keerthana are starting to develop feelings for each other but will it be like this for long?
Read this chapter until then and please do vote for me 😊

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