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Nothin to really talk about so..



9:17 AM

3rd POV

As the beast came closer to the careless girl, he started to get... excited? His wolf suddenly became restless, almost like he couldn't wait to see the girl. Like the wolf knew something he didn't.

Suddenly, a mouth-watering scent filled his nostrils. Almost like a mix of pumpkin spice and cinnamon.

'Mate! It's our mate!' The wolf said in his head. Their mate! Finally, after all these years they have found their mate.

This had him running in full speed, shifting into his wolf at some point, just wanting to get to his mate as fast as he can.

Soon, the scent started to become so powerful, making him almost stop running so he could savor the smell, but he couldn't. She was so close.

Then, it all came like a wave. He saw her. All these unknown emotions immediately embraced him, making him feel enhanced in her presence.

She was like an angel. She was human, humming a quiet song, and gently picking some fruits for a fresh pastry. Her skin looked so soft and her petite body only made him feel more dominant.

He just watched.

He just watched her for who knows how long. Not getting bored for even a second.

He was confused on why she picked so many fruits, but maybe she just really liked them.

He made a mental note to have lots of fruit for her when she's with him.

After a while, she decided to head back. It made her giggle. I knew it was fake. All those rumors about the forest were just rumors. Nothing even happened to me. She thought. Unaware that she was very wrong.

Unaware of the beast wanting to hear that giggle again and again, following her back to town.

He didn't like how that male greeted her. It made the beast want to shred him apart limb by limb and eat him alive.

Only he can touch her! She's his!

How he helped her with the fruits along with scolding her for going in the forest. Matt thought she went to the store, only to find out she went it the dangerous forests.

How dare he talk to her like that! These humans don't deserve an angel like her! I'll fucking kill him! The beast thought. He was furious with how the boy scolded his baby.

Shifting back into man form, he hid behind a thick tree a couple meters away from the two close friends.

"I'm sorry, but I really wanted fresh fruits for my pastry and I wanted to see if the forest had any." The beast practically melted at the sound of his mate's voice.

"You could have died! And what's this pastry you keep talking about?" And now the beast is all frozen again, with the terrible sound of that boy's voice.

The girl smiled and put a finger in front of her lips. "It's a secret so sshhhh" she said making both of the creatures by her smile, the beast and the boy.

After another few minutes of scolding, the two went back in the bakery to serve the customers, making the beast annoyed on how he can't watch or even see his baby.

Getting an idea, he jogged to a tree that he knew had some back up clothes in it. Putting on the boxers, pants and a shirt, and started to try and create a backstory.

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