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Seriously, I can't believe it y'all. Even if you didn't read it, I just want to thank everyone who is reading this that voted for Surrounded. I makes me so happy that people enjoy what I write.

Also, thank you for 100 reads already on this book!💕💕

ALSO, what is good advice as where someone keeps dragging you down and you can't help but feel that pit in your stomach and you need to get rid of it. Please...


11:11 AM

3rd POV

The beast ran and ran, through the trees, over the rivers on rocks, through the meadows that littered the grounds, and yet he still couldn't calm down.

'Kill them. Kill them. Kill them.' was what the beast kept chanting in his head. 'You think I don't want to! We have to wait you impatient creature! He'll be dead, they'll both be dead.' the human side responded to the wolf.

The beast decided to stop at a meadow quite far from the village. He stared at it for quite a while, examining the beauty of the flowers and plants. The beauty of the small river running through the middle of it.

'I used to think this kind of stuff was beautiful and that nothing could compare, but in reality nothing can compare to her. She's more beautiful than any flower that exists.' The human said to his wolf, smiling at the thought of his mate.

It seems the only way to actually calm him down, would be the poor girl.

But, getting all furious again with the image of her in that other man's arms.

He decided to head back to the village, wanting to see if 4:00 PM was close.


"Are you sure you're fine? If I wasn't there you could have seriously gotten hurt." Matt said to Y/n. He almost smiled with the thought of him being the one that saved her from an injury. "Yes, and thank you. It would have been bad if you weren't there." She told him before hugging him and getting back to work.

He blushed madly after that hug, yet he didn't want Y/n to see so instead of going back to work, he went outside for a breather.

It was a challenge every day for him to get through working with Y/n. He's been working on his confession speech for about two weeks. Just trying to find the right words.

Although, he still couldn't get that one big guy from earlier out of his head. He didn't like how he shamelessly flirted with her. How he has the confidence that he didn't have. How he talked to her like they knew each other for years. It bugged him.

He knew that a lot of other boys in the village could of already won her heart if they didn't acknowledge the fact that Y/n and him have known each other for years and it was basically known that they would end up together. That's also bugged him. That was why he needed to confess to her fast.

A growl from the forest caught his attention from his worried thoughts. It wasn't a small wolf growl, no. It was loud and beastly. He immediately ran in the bakery, deciding that it was time to work again.

What was that? He thought as he quickly grabbed an apron and walked into in kitchen. He looked at the tables and only saw two customers.

"Here I'll make some more lemon bars." He said to Y/n who was busy working on decorating some cookies. She just nodded and went back to work.

Apart from them, right outside the bakery, by the non-welcoming trees, would be the beast in true form. Not like a wolf, no.

This beast stood on his hind legs at 6'7(200.7 cm), with black fur as dark as night. Chest muscled like he'd been working out for years non-stop. Bulging muscles from his arms and legs, and face in the shape of a wolf's head. His body of a human, fur and features like a wolf, and with the strength of a powerful demon.

A true beast indeed.

The beast almost got to kill him. The beast was so close, but it missed him. It thought that the boy would freeze in fear, but he ran instead.

It was craving to taste his blood. It was craving to dig it's claws in his throat. It was craving to rip his apart.

Knowing they weren't getting any of that soon. The human side desperately tried to shift into human skin, but instead the wolf took over and the beast took form of a regular wolf and trotted away, going to relieve some steam, again.

Well, until it heard the voice of an angel.

"Nothing happened to me last time and the berries were amazing! Stay here or I'll, uh, fire you!" The girl said before running off to where she picked some berries last time. She just finished decorating and when she went to continue making her special pastry, she saw that she accidentally ate all of the berries beforehand.

The wolf followed her silently as she skipped her way to the area carrying a brown woodsy basket with a yellow cloth on it.

He decided to watch over her as some other wolf might try and hurt her. He went as close as he can and lays down. Well, tried to, as the wolf accidentally laid  down on some thorns. It made a bark of pain which grabbed the girl's attention.

The wolf, due to pain, leaped up towards Y/n's direction and they both looked at each other. To Y/n, it was an adorable little thing. She just wanted to hug it and kiss it. But she knew that wolves were dangerous.

Yet, to her surprise, she heard it whine and turn on its back and she saw two thorns in its stomach. She immediately came over to help it. She hesitates as she heard of a guy form the village get his hand bit off clean from a wolf. But she saw the look in the wolf's eyes and knew that it just wanted help.

She quickly pulled them out, wasting no time, making the wolf give out noises of displeasure. Then she rubbed the wolf's stomach to soothe it.

After a minute or two, it rolled back over and sat in front of her. And of instead of doing the same thing, she smiled and hugged the wolf, as she felt somewhat safe with it and kind of knew it wouldn't hurt her for some reason.

Almost like she expected, the wolf licked her cheek and neck, happy with her actions.

"You're so cute! I just want to cuddle with you!" She said. The wolf turned its head away from her when she said it was cute.

'We aren't fucking cute! We're intimidating and terrifying.' The wolf side grumbled to the human side.

"Oh come on! You are! And it's a compliment! I like cute things and you are number one on my list." She said cheerfully. Y/n was a sucker for animals and thought all of them were cute.

The wolf's ears perked up when she said they were her number one. Yet being stubborn, it still turned away. "Hmm, do you have a name? I can give you a name? How bout' Alexander? That was my grandfather's name, but he passed away three years ago with my grandmother when they went on a trip."

The wolf looked at her when her town got sad. She unintentionally just made herself think about her late grandparents. She had her head down as she thought about them. The wolf nudged his nose under her chin, bringing her head up.

She smiled at it and stood up. "Well Alexander, yes that's your name now, if you can find a way to help me pick berries you can, I'm making a special pastry and I need lots of berries" the beautiful girl said while trying to smile.

The wolf followed right behind her, "accidentally" bumping into her bum at one point.

'Stop acting all high and mighty, she gave you a name big deal." The human side said to the wolf.

'She never gave you a name, Zachary'

'You better shut it before I give you another name-'

"What happened to the berries?!" The human side was cut off when they heard their angel yell. They went around her and was shocked at the sight. They looked at Y/n and saw some tears in her eyes making the wolf lowly growl.

'That fucking pack crossed the line."
This took forever, but I got it.

Suggestions and constructive criticism are accepted:)

See y'all next time

Love ya

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