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(I need a new music background🤣.)

When you realized you got pawned in Wattpad and had to change your emails and passwords and correct things for like an hour...

Oof, I've been so stressed lately, uuuuuggghhhhhhhhhhh...

Also heads up! If this cover ever changes(the current one for this book), don't be alarmed! For my last two books, I changed their covers MULTIPLE times. Sooo yeah.


11:56 AM

Zachary's POV(I know, finally, right)

The stench hit me like a tree.



All on the torn berry trees and bushes. From the corner of my left eye I see a mangled leg.

No, I can't let my darling see this.

'Get her out of here right now dumbass' my wolf says. 'We're in your form idiot' I say back.

Before Y/n could examine any further, we nudge her stomach with our snout. She doesn't take this as a sign to go the other way and tries to go forward.

We latch on the back of her dress with our teeth and basically drag her away. "Wait! What happened?" She said as we dragged her.

You don't need to see anything love.

As I successfully pry her away from that scene, I sense my beta mid-linking me. I already what he's gonna say.

'Alpha! The Red Moon pack has killed 6 of our members and marked blood in our food sources. What do you command us to do?' 'Just fucking engage with them! I'm sick and tired of them and right now I'm busy with my mate! Though remember, don't kill the pups.'

He answered back with a yes and I closed the midlink.

They started it so I'll end it.

"Why didn't you let me look? I caught glimpse of what I think was a human. I could of saved them!" She said with tears falling.

Oh, what an angel.

I let go of her dress and nudge her stomach again to gain some forgiveness. I hope she realizes that I did it to protect her.

She looks at me for a second then puts on a sad smile and strokes my head. "I understand. You sensed danger, but still..." she kneeled down just a bit to reach my height. "...if what I saw was a human, I could of saved them. I care about others, but don't worry. I'm not mad at you. I'm still shaken up at the sight though as the most gruesome scene I've ever seen before that was just an axe in a shoulder. And let me tell you, it wasn't pretty. Although now, I won't have the best berries for my pastry." She told me, getting all sad again from both the scene and her pastry.

No no no! Why do things keep making my darling sad?! I swear if that beta's head isn't on a pointed stick by tonight, I'll do it myself.

To cheer her up again, I lick her hand. Then I softly jump on her and with my overly sized wolf form and her petite human form, she easily fell on the ground. Then I licked all over her face to make her happy again.

I hear giggles come from her making me happy that I've cheered her up. "Gosh, I've barely just met you and I already love you." She said.

What? She loves me!!

'Us you bastard'

In my wolf form, I jump up and run around her a couple times then I jump around with my tongue out and tail waging.

She loves us! She laughs as she watches us get all excited. "I can tell you love me too. Oh! I got to get back. If I'm gone too long Matt might think I've been eaten!" She said which made us both sad and angry.

'Damn Matt! Why haven't we killed him yet?!' My wolf asked, whom I guess now is Alexander. 'It's day time. We'll do it when our mate is asleep along with everyone else!' I say back.

Gosh I can't wait to get in human form so I can just shut him out.

'I can hear your thoughts by the way'
'I know'

We follow her back throughout the forest. "We are almost there and if they see you, they won't like it. I don't know if I'll see you again, so bye my cutie" Deciding to ignore the word cutie, I lightly take her hand in my mouth and pull her away from town.

I really don't want her to go. Being in my wolf form is, currently, the best way to be with her. And with the berry area being no more, she might not come back. "Alexander, I have to go back. I have a job." She said, but I just tugged her more, being my stubborn self.

I know she is smart as she doesn't try and struggle her hand out of my mouth. She'll just tear her skin if she tries to do that and she'll get hurt.

The only time I plan to tear her skin is when I mark her, and maybe some other times if I'm really into it at the moment. But that won't be anytime soon.

First I have to win her heart and wait for her to be ready to have sex. I would never force myself on to her. She deserves only love and affection.

She gave up on trying to get me to let go of her hand and just walked with me.


As we reached the destination, her eyes sparkled. I brought her to a secret garden with much more berries in it and much more beautiful scenery. She looked like she just saw an enchantress.

Her big smile melted my heart.

"Oh my gosh! It's beautiful! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it!" She screamed in joy. If I was in my human form, I'd be grinning like an idiot from ear to ear. Well, technically I am, I'd just be noticeable in my human form.

She speed walked to the berry trees and bushes immediately picking off them. I went by her and thought to help her, but how?

I get an idea and start biting off branches. I hear laughing and turn to look at her with a bitten off branch in my mouth.

She laughs as she grabs it from me. "Why thank you Alexander" she said with a warm smile.

Knowing she appreciates this, I decide to bite off a bigger one. I jog to a blueberry bush and dug my head into it so I can get a bigger batch.

Instead I get some kind of bug on my snout. I back off the bush to see it clearer and see a spider.


I run around try to get it off but it won't budge and I'm terrified that it's gonna bite me. "Alexander! Stop, what is it!?" She commands me to stop and as much as I want to not listen, I have to as I could never go against her.

She sees the spider and laughs. Why the hell is she laughing?! She picks up a leaf on the ground and succeeds in getting the spider on it and places it back on the ground so it can crawl away.

"Never in a million years would I think a big wolf like you would be terrified of a spider. And it wasn't even poisonous." She said while smiling.

What, I can be scared of things. I put my head down thinking she got mad at me, but she pushes it up and kisses my forehead. "Don't be upset. It's totally fine, I'm terrified of snakes. How bout' you just watch me, ok?" She said and I licked her face so she would know I was ok with that.

Then I realize what she just did.

Oh my gosh...she kissed me.
My phone is having spasms and I'm not ok with it. I'm here trying to edit Surrounded(another story of mine) and I didn't even touch it and half the chapter got deleted. I only has to press the undo button to get it back, but still, it's frustrating.

Suggestions and constructive criticism are accepted:)

See y'all next time

Love ya

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