Chapter 1

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Dipper and Mabel have returned back to the shack, though it was bigger and appeared to have more customers than what they remembered from last year. They looked at each other and both shrugged it off, then headed into the crowd of people. Soos stood with Melody at the front of the shack, it appeared to have been closed for a while for renovations, but was being re-opened today. Mabel looked at Melody and screamed, Melody was holding a baby in her arms, which caused Mabel to get excited. Dipper sighed, grabbed his suitcase and started going through the crowd. Mabel followed with Waddles being not to far behind. They made it to the front of the crowd just as Soos was about to close the ceremony. Melody spotted the twins, then whispered something to Soos. Soos nodded and quickly ended the ceremony. The crowd of people dispersed as they all headed back to the town. Once everyone but Dipper, Mabel and Waddles had left, Soos looked down at them.
"What's up dudes?" Soos asked.
"Soos!" Mabel said and ran up to hug him. Soos hugged back as Dipper got onto the porch. That's when he noticed the strange man in gold standing next to the door. The man noticed him staring and waved at him. Dipper awkwardly waved back and turned his head back to Soos.
"So, you and Melody got married, huh?" Dipper asked.
"Yup! Don't worry dude, Wendy's still single," Soos answered. Dipper awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.
"Heh, about that. I don't have a crush on her anymore, " he said.
"Who do you have a crush on then?" Melody asked. Dipper lowered his hat as his face turned red.
"He has a crush on Pacifica now!" Mabel chimed in.
"Really, that bratty rich girl?" Melody said.
"She's not that bad once you get to know her," Dipper murmured as he looked back at the strange man. The man seemed to have stiffened up from the knowledge of Dipper having a crush. Dipper narrowed his eyes, then looked up at Soos.
"Hey Soos?" he asked.
"What's up dude?"
"Who's that strange man over there?"
"Oh, that's Bill!" Dipper's eyes widened.
"Like, Bill Cipher?" he questioned.
"Don't know dude, he never said anything about his last name."
"Okay." He looked over at Bill, who was now walking towards them.
"What's up pi- uh I mean Dipper?" Bill asked. Dipper narrowed his eyes.
"Nothing much," Dipper said. Before Bill could say anything else, Dipper walked into the shack with his suitcase and headed up the stairs. He walked into the room he and Mabel would be staying in and flopped down onto his bed. He grabbed his journal and pen out from his suitcase.  'I have returned to the Mystery Shack, but the weirdest part is, is that there is a new worker called Bill. He seems very familiar to Bill Cipher, with the gold, the brick pattern on his tailcoat, the bowtie and top hat. I shall investigate on this mystery further.'  He stopped writing and closed the journal. He put the journal and pen on the bedside table. It wasn't very late out, but he was pretty tired. He laid down in bed and pulled up the covers. Then with a yawn, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

My Pinetree~ (Yandere Bill x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now