Chapter 19

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Mabel had gotten down the stairs and started searching for Grunkle Ford. When she couldn't find him anywhere, she typed in the code into the vending machine, and the door opened. Since she was now used to the mysterious door after so many times of seeing it, she ran down the steps without hesitation. She rapidly pressed the door button on the elevator until the doors opened. She got inside and tapped her foot impatiently as she waited. When the elevator finally dinged and the doors opened, she ran out and bumped into Grunkle Ford. She stumbled a bit but regained her footing. She looked up at him as he looked down at her with a confused expression.
"Mabel? Why are you down here? And what were you in a hurry for?" He asked. Mabel didn't say anything as she shoved the note into his hands. Without further questioning, he began to read the note. When he finished, he looked back at her with a smile.
"Let's get Dipper back!" He said, crumbling up the paper in one hand and holding up the other six-fingered fist. Mabel smiled big, and nodded.

Dipper's eyes were wide, and his face was slightly red as Bill stepped away from him. Dipper didn't know how to react, or even what to say for that matter. Bill smirked, but didn't say anything as he teleported away. It was when Bill had gone that Dipper got a grip on himself.
"W-what just happened?" He stuttered to himself, extremely confused. Did Bill really just... kiss him? It seemed impossible, but it happened. With a sigh, Dipper laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. Suddenly, the door opened and Dipper quickly sat up. There stood 8-Ball, whom Dipper remembered from last.
"The boss wants you," 8-Ball said. Dipper sighed, but climbed off the bed and walked over to the henchmainiac.  Dipper nodded, and 8-Ball turned around and led him to what Dipper assumed was Bill's room. Bill had a throne, not one of pure human agony like last year, but instead made out of a type of metal with carvings of the symbols from the Cipher Wheel. There sat Bill in his human form. He appeared to be thinking, but stared straight at Dipper as soon as 8-Ball walked away. Dipper hesitantly waved, not knowing what else to do, and Bill laughed. He then teleported in front of Dipper. Bill grabbed Dipper's hand and snapped his fingers.
When Dipper had re-opened his eyes (though he didn't know that he had closed them in the first place,) he saw a beautiful sunset in front of him. But once he looked around, he realized that he wasn't in Gravity Falls. He turned to look at Bill, who was staring at him.
"Do you like it Pinetree?" He asked with a smirk. Dipper slightly blushed and looked away.
"Y-yeah," he stuttered. Bill snickered, but before the dream demon could say anything else, Dipper spoke up once more.
"Where exactly are we Bill?" Bill opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by a feminine voice.
"You're in my territory."

My Pinetree~ (Yandere Bill x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now