Chapter 17

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Mabel frowned, and her sobbing turned to full blown crying. She dropped to the floor, and she put her head in her hands. Her body shook as she continued to cry. That's when she felt an arm wrap around her.
"I'm sorry, kiddo," a gruff voice said. She knew it was Grunkle Stan, but she didn't say anything. She heard him sigh, then walk away. She couldn't move, her body wouldn't allow her. So instead she stayed in the Gift Shop, on the floor, crying.

Dipper's headache eventually went away. He picked his head up and decided to get a better look around the room. He noticed his cap hanging on a hook to his right. To his left was a wardrobe of clothes, all with yellow or black coloring. But, his normal clothes were on another hook beside his hat. He looked down, and noticed a thick black carpet on the floor. Then the door creaked open. He jumped and turned towards the door. Bill was there, smirking as usual. But he wasn't in his usual attire. He was in a yellow sweater with a brick pattern on the sleeves, an eye on the front, black pants and black shoes. Of course with his bow tie, top hat and cane. Dipper narrowed his eyes and looked away from Bill.
"Come on Pinetree, you can't ignore me forever," Bill said behind him. Dipper snorted and stared out the window. Dipper thought he had left, cause he didn't hear anything else from him. But then, Bill grabbed his chin and turned his head to make him look up at Bill. Dipper smacked his hand away and glared at him. Bill's frown turned back into a smirk.
"You sure did get stronger over the year, kid," he said.
"Why am I here?" Dipper asked him, still glaring with his eyes narrowed.
"Aww, no 'hey Bill how you've been'? That's very mean of you Pinetree."
"I'm the mean one?! You're the one who killed Mabel and Pacifica!" Dipper snapped.
"Oh, Shooting Star is still alive." Dipper sat up straight and grew hopeful.
"But I did kill the blondie." Dipper slumped again. He sighed and looked down at the ground.
"I'll ask you again Bill. Why am I here?" Dipper asked once more.
"You really wanna know Pinetree?" Bill snickered. Dipper glared back at him. Bill chuckled and leaned on his cane.
"That's because you're mine now."

My Pinetree~ (Yandere Bill x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now