Chapter 4

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Dipper was woken up by a poke. With a yawn, he opened his eyes and turned around, expecting to see Mabel, but instead saw Bill. Before Bill could say anything, Dipper punched him as hard as possible in the jaw. Dipper quickly got up and hurried over to the door. Before he could open it, Bill grabbed his wrist. Dipper looked at Bill and narrowed his eyes.
"Have you forgotten Pinetree? Pain is hilarious!" Bill said.
"Maybe to you, you freaking masochist!" Dipper screamed, as he managed to yank his wrist out of Bill's grasp. He opened the door and ran down the stairs, not caring about the bedroom door staying open. Bill watched him, smirking. He closed the bedroom door, and snapped his fingers. Meanwhile, Dipper had gotten down the stairs and into the dining room, where he found Mabel waiting for breakfast. He sat down beside her and caught his breath. Mabel looked over at him and spoke up.
"What's wrong bro bro?" she asked.
"Other than what happened last night? Well, Bill Cipher is working here," he told her.
"What?! How?!" Mabel asked.
"He somehow got a human form, I'm not sure how, but I'm gonna try and call Grunkle Ford to see if they can come back earlier so they can help us," Dipper said.
"Why don't you call Grunkle Stan?"
"Because he might not believe me, and I can't take that risk," he explained.
"If you're sure Dipper."
"I'm sure Mabel." Once the conversation was over, Soos came in carrying plates with pancakes. He set the plates down in front of Dipper and Mabel and spoke up.
"See you later dudes," he said, then walked out of the room. The twins looked at each other, then shrugged and started eating their breakfast.

My Pinetree~ (Yandere Bill x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now